Need Advice? Ask The Men Behind Return Of Kings

Need Advice? Ask The Men Behind Return Of Kings

ROK has grown significantly over the last two years, to the point where its writers and commenters represent a distinct think tank of red pill wisdom and masculinity. We’ve touched on many areas and have received various questions from the readership as our topic base has broadened.

With that in mind, we’ve decided to begin a weekly reader mailbag feature. If you are curious about or need advice on any topic you’ve seen written on at ROK, it’s fair game. This includes game, girls, sex, money, literature, travel, life advice, and many more. You are likely familiar with Roosh’s background, but there are also other men on staff who own their own business, hold professional degrees, have traveled to many countries, and have significant life experience to draw upon.

Ever wondered how Quintus Curtius managed to read every Greek philosophy text, or what 2Wycked sees as the three most influential television shows in modern society? This is your chance to get advice from some of the best writers and minds in the manosphere on a variety of subjects. Email [email protected] with your questions or comments. You can also use this anonymous form.

We can’t promise that a specific author will answer your question, but if yours is selected then someone on ROK’s writing staff will respond to you in the weekly post. Questions that are intelligibly written and applicable to many men will receive the highest priority, as well as readers who drop a donation in our donation box (mention this in your email). We look forward to hearing how we can help.

Read More: The Worst Advice Ever For Strong Men


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