New Fox Series Promotes Infanticide As Abortion While Shilling For Planned Parenthood

New Fox Series Promotes Infanticide As Abortion While Shilling For Planned Parenthood

Fox’s new series The Mick is pushing some old leftist ideology. The Mick just debuted as a so-called “comedy” that’s garnering mixed reviews, but it’s promotion of infanticide in one of the scenes of its pilot episode, as well as the old “rich people get away with things” gnome makes it yet another preachy vehicle for the left to promote its failing agenda. The plot of the show involves degenerate grifter “Mick” being forced to look after her niece and nephew after her sister and her sister’s husband go to prison. The series’ writers aren’t leaving many people laughing, especially with a pointless joke that got circulated in conservative circles comparing accumulating notches on a punch card by killing unborn babies to getting rewards for eating out.

This particular scene from the show reflects just how low the producers will go to push the abortion agenda down the throats of millions, as Mick has this conversation with her niece Sabrina:

Sabrina: That’s not gonna work for me. Yeah, I’m gonna go to this fund-raiser for Planned Parenthood. Probably crash at my friend’s place, go to the city tomorrow. So just don’t expect to see me too much. You know, we probably won’t see each other at all. Hmm. But hey, let’s catch up again in ten years when you need another loan.

Mick: Listen, Sabrina, I got a lot riding on this gig, so can you do me a favor and not be a big, giant, pain in the ass, please?

Sabrina: Maybe you don’t know this, but Planned Parenthood provides health care to over three million women in this country.

Mick: Oh, sweetie, I know all about Planned Parenthood. I should have one of those punch cards that gets you a free sub every ten visits.

Sabrina: Gross.

Why the writers of the show felt it necessary to insert PP into the series beyond promoting the Hollyweird agenda is unknown.

The producers of The Mick probably think they’re being edgy and cutesy by comparing the accumulation of gruesome infanticides to getting a sub sandwich punch card, but all they’re really doing is once again spitting in the eyes of and pissing down the backs of conservatives, like so many “progressives” who are actually regressing civilization.

The lame attempt at humor is obviously an attempt to jam Planned Parenthood into the national psyche and normalize the killing of unborn children, which makes the organization millions of dollars annually.

Dr. Robert Siudmack, a former abortion doctor defected from Planned Parenthood, and now campaigns against the organization which he says is totally money-driven.

I worked at the [Planned Parenthood] Margaret Sanger Center in downtown Manhattan for about a year before moving to South Florida, and it was all about the money, and how many abortions we could do in a short period of time. There was a set price, and obviously the more abortions one did, the more money they would make….

Unsurprisingly, Siudmack also said:

Abortion is big business.

Profiting from Infanticide

New Fox Series Promotes Infanticide As Abortion While Shilling For Planned Parenthood

Leftists claim to hate abortion but the practice makes a ton of profit

Indeed, disposing of unwanted children is how an organization like Planned Parenthood pays its bills and pushes its murderous, demographically suicidal agenda. Live Action News, an anti-abortion group reports:

According to their own recently released 2009-10 annual report, Planned Parenthood performed more than 329,000 abortions. Conservatively estimating that each abortion cost $450, abortion services brought in $148 million of Planned Parenthood’s overall $320 million in clinic revenue, representing 46% of its operating budget.

Killing babies is literally worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Dr. Anthony Levantino, who produced a series of videos illustrating how gruesome abortion procedures are and how developed the fetus usually is as it’s destroyed, also talked about how profitable abortion is.

In my practice, we were averaging between $250 and $500 for an abortion, and it was cash. That’s the only time as a doctor you can say, either pay me up front or I’m not going to take care of you. It’s totally elective… Either you have the money or you don’t. And they get it.

So, it seems profit motivates leftists too—even though they screech unendingly about “evil” capitalism from their Apple iDouche keyboards while lapping up their Starbucks lattes. It’s no wonder conservative radio host Michael Savage coined the phrase “Liberalism is a mental disorder” over a decade ago.

The Mick’s playing around with the abortion issue only confirms a claim made by Rush Limbaugh last year:

But when it comes to abortion, Hollywood will do anything and everything it can do to normalize it, promote it, make it look normal and healthy and make pregnancy look like the disease.

Hollyweird and Planned Parenthood are regularly in bed with one another, as both push a degenerate, feminist agenda in service of a Marxist, globalist agenda aimed at ending viviparous reproduction (as Huxley called it in Brave New World) once and for all. Life Site wrote:

The large list of actor-supporters of abortion is not surprising to pro-life leaders. The “Hollywood” establishment, they point out, has aggressively promoted a sexually liberal lifestyle that is strongly dependent upon abortion as a back up to inevitable failed contraception resulting from its sexual promiscuity.

Feminism = Deathstyle, Not Lifestyle

New Fox Series Promotes Infanticide As Abortion While Shilling For Planned Parenthood

Strange bedfellows, the race-obsessed left and PP: “…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ‘spawning… human beings who never should have been born…” -Margaret Sanger referring to immigrants, African Americans and poor people

Of course, all of this cultural cancer is a result of 50 years of unchecked feminism. Feminism is literally a death cult, oddly a new twist on Anglo-American Puritanism and female superiority that is destroying the West culturally and demographically.

It seems the election of Trump has only made the left double down on its resolve to continue infanticide. But no matter what spin the whores of the elite put on the practice, the simple fact remains it is a barbaric way of dealing with irresponsible sexual behavior. Especially when there are myriad methods of contraception available to prevent pregnancy in the first place.

Dr. Levantino explains why he now is leading the crusade against abortion:

I looked, I literally looked at that pile of baby parts on the table, and I didn’t see all the things that had sustained me all those years. I didn’t see what a wonderful doctor I was helping her with her problem. I didn’t see her wonderful right to choose, and I didn’t even see the $800 cash I just made in 15 minutes. All I could see was somebody’s son or daughter.

Suddenly, this was looking really different to me. For the first time in my life it hit me very powerfully, that this woman had come to me figuratively and said…here’s $800, kill my baby. And I was the type of person who would look right back at her very calmly, and say why sure, I’ll do that.

When you finally figure out…that killing a baby that big for money is wrong, it doesn’t take you too long to figure out it doesn’t matter if the baby is this big, or this big, or even this big, it’s all the same.

So, it would be nice to see TV shows abandoning their preachy, holier-than-thou narratives when it comes to the issue airing on prime time television. Unless they want to continue the destruction of the ivory tower they live in as the fortunes of a once decadent television empire fade away and fall to dust.

Read More: How To End Abortion Without Involving Politicians


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