Next Phase of the Hypergamous Arms Race: Revenge of the Nerds?

The most intriguing part of the current stage in the sexual revolution is how open many carousel riders are about their plan to snare a hapless beta after a decade or so of screwing the kind of men they really like.  When you are planning on tricking someone, a little secrecy is typically helpful.  But this is the worst kept secret on the internet. Anyone familiar with Citizen Renegade’s blog is at this point probably thinking of GBFM’s famous line: “younger, hotter, tighter, and free”.


We are already hearing anecdotal evidence that the hapless betas in question are starting to look less fondly on marriage.  Certainly those carousel riders who really want to eventually get married are taking a significant risk.  They are betting that they can play by a different set of rules than the women 10-15 years older than them did and still end up married at the same rates by their mid 30s.

But as I pointed out in Grey Divorce Part II, the data isn’t yet in on how this will turn out.  We can see a significant reduction in the percentage of women currently marrying in their twenties, but we don’t know how this will play out when they are in their 30s.  Will the betas now loudly complaining on the internet about being taken for granted follow through on their threat of a great marriage strike?  Or will they blink at the last minute and decide that marrying an, er, slightly used former hottie beats remaining alone?  Or will it matter anyway since the guys who are most bitter probably aren’t the betas these women have in mind?  Could the great salmon run of carousel chasers finally returning to beta providers end in disaster and failure to breed?

Next Phase of the Hypergamous Arms Race:  Revenge of the Nerds?

Carousel rider returning to beta provider to spawn.

My guess is there will be a measurable impact but that we won’t see the kinds of dire predictions being made around the manosphere come true.  Like the picture above, the run might not be as impressive as usual, but my prediction is it will still happen.

Next Phase of the Hypergamous Arms Race:  Revenge of the Nerds?But salmon face a unique problem.  Their route and timing are known in advance, and this makes them easy prey.

If I were a bitter beta I might decide I had a different choice other than “Take it or leave it”.  He knows women of a certain age and a history of promiscuity are going to be looking for a sucker nice guy like him to marry and settle down with.  What if he decides to con the conwoman?  All he has to do is what comes naturally to him.  He may want to learn a little game to make him seem more interesting, but he doesn’t have to move to full alpha status.

All he has to do is put himself out there in places where these women are looking for marks, and look like a better mark than the others.  Since some of the remaining betas will be manning the picket line and the alphas are busy with the new crop of carousel riders, this probably won’t be too hard.  Then he just strings her along for a while, or maybe strings several along all the while talking the provider talk and enjoying the ride.  And since she is in full blown (pardon the pun) bag a husband mode, she’s going to be giving him the best sex she can to seal the deal.  After a while she’s bound to get wise to the jig, but then another salmon carouseler should be jumping into his mouth bed to fill the void.

I’ve been mulling this possibility over for a few days, and then just today saw a comment over on Hooking Up Smart which initially suggested to me that this is already happening.

I have a friend who dated a guy who constantly talked about kids & types of strollers, invited her to meet his parents, shared his hopes & dreams, she knew most of his friends. They dated for 3 months before she realized he was doing the same thing with 2 other girls. His parents had met literally so many of his “girlfriends,” they were tired of it.

It turns out the woman in the quote was in her mid twenties, but the basic strategy would seem the same. There is some danger that the Beta will fall for the carouseler or end up getting her pregnant and having to pay child support, so this strategy isn’t without risk to him. Also, some of those salmon won’t be carousel riders planning to con a beta but simply career minded women who lost track of time, or younger women thinking they just found the one alpha who wants to marry.

Whether this scenario turns out to be common or not I can predict with some confidence that like the previous rounds of the sexual revolution there will unfortunately be few winners and plenty of misery to go around.  Part of the intent of my blog and many of those on my blogroll is to help ensure that better choices are made by all parties today to avoid heartbreak in the future.  But all in all there is at least a little beauty to the thought of the written-off beta mark who has the last laugh on the carousel rider.

Salmon photo by Zhans33.  Bear photo licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported by Dmitry Azovtsev.

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