The culture war is over. Feminism won.
Feminism has completed its long march through the institutions of the west. Even the church is collaborating with an enthusiasm which would have made the Vichy French blush. The war is over. It is time to accept facts. Its all over but the crying.
Those looking for a leader to rally our forces and launch a bold new counterattack on feminism are misguided. There will still be opportunities for individuals and small groups to win isolated victories, but neither men nor women are going to take any meaningful action en masse. There simply are no institutions left which could facilitate this.
But the completeness of feminism’s victory is also its core problem. They control all of the institutions, but we are still here. Millions of men and women still haven’t accepted the mantra of feminism. Despite all of their efforts and having all levers of state and society available to them, the glorious new breed of woman they envisioned hasn’t come to be. And she won’t come to be. What more can feminists try except more of the same?
Now is the time for the insurgency. While there won’t be mass coordinated action, this doesn’t mean that individuals won’t respond to the post feminist reality and make choices which are in their own best interest.
For men the key will be to avoid the worst effects of the sexual revolution and the corrupt family law system. This means only marrying a woman if she demonstrates the ability to keep her promise. Many men who understand the current landscape will choose not to marry. For such a man the options are to disengage from women entirely (MGTOW) or to learn enough game to tilt the uncommitted sexual marketplace in his favor. To the great dismay of sluts and social conservative women, those women looking to use uncommitted sex to manipulate men into falsely believing they have commitment will find the men with game (the men they most want) turning the tables on them. Their planned McFling with an unsuspecting paypal will turn unexpectedly into joining a soft harem or pump n dump. Their attempt to snare an unsuspecting beta provider after riding the carousel will be haunted by the prospect of the men who might turn their own con against them. But not all men will immediately learn about the realities of the post sexual revolution sexual marketplace (SMP), and still others will hear the truth but refuse to believe it. We can only try to educate men to make better choices. Some will listen, some will not. All we can do is remain prepared to patiently share the message to those who are ready to hear it.
For women the choice will be to make a conscious decision about how they want to participate in the SMP as well. Some will undoubtedly decide that marriage isn’t important to them, and will knowingly ride the carousel. Others will decide that marriage really is important to them, and will take it seriously early on. Some will marry but then falsely assume they can continue to re-choose without consequence. Just like men, many will either not hear the message, or will refuse to accept the reality of it.
So the bad news is not all men and women can be helped, and we won’t be able to spawn a mass cultural movement. The good news is we don’t need to convert anyone else to be successful. We have an essential advantage; our message happens to be the truth. We don’t need to win the argument. The truth is the truth, whether others believe it or not. Feminists need to convince everyone that their view of the world is correct, or individuals will continue to peel off to follow their own best interest. All we have to do to win is accept the truth, and act in our own best interest. Ideally we should attempt to help others with this as well. If we can do this, we will change the culture one good choice at a time. However, we don’t need to convince others of anything to take practical measures for ourselves.
This isn’t to say that all of the effects of feminism and the sexual revolution can be merely ignored. The laws and courts are still biased. Men will continue to have their children taken away and their role as father reduced to that of walking wallet. Other men will be forced to pay support for children they never fathered. Other men will be falsely accused of rape or domestic violence, and face a legal system designed to placate feelings over justice. This is all true, and will remain true until and unless enough of the population acknowledges the truth. In the meantime, all we can do is figure out the best way to protect ourselves, our families, and (if they are willing to listen) as many other men and women as possible.
But what do you say to a man who is about to marry an alcoholic party girl, foolishly thinking that putting a ring on her finger will turn her into a wife? And what do you say to a young woman who is ready to choose the allure of the carousel instead of taking the search for a husband (and her own chastity) seriously from the beginning? You of course should try to help them see the light, and try to be patient as they resist the uncomfortable truth. If you can convince them, fantastic! This is one more life spared (or at least somewhat sheltered from) the awful effects of feminism. If not, their election not to take the wise path actually makes it easier for another man or woman to do so. Each man who marries a party girl leaves a virtuous woman available for another to marry. Each woman who rides the carousel leaves another greater beta available for a virtuous woman to marry.
Life’s wisdom delivered in a joke.
Once there were two hikers, and one of them spotted a bear. His partner immediately knelt down and started retying his bootlaces. The other hiker chuckled at his folly:
You fool. You can’t outrun a bear!
His partner replied:
I don’t have to outrun the bear. I only have to outrun you.
You don’t have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun the other hikers.
Destroyed tank image by Mika Rantanen. Bear image by Vern Hall. Boot image by Rama.
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