If we stop and observe those around us, we can see many unhappy people as we go through our daily lives. They fill a variety of archetypes, but a common thread is that their despair often derives from the broken assumption that things in our world can achieve permanence. This is true for both positive and negative beliefs — the fat computer geek is unhappy because he believes his life can never be any better. Conversely, the rich executive struggles for contentment once he has reached a certain level of status, but after making his first million finds that the fulfillment only stays for a short time.
Our lives are in a perpetual state of change. Feelings, priorities, relationships — all are impermanent. Roosh has written about this, the idea that we are chasing happiness but the very idea of change (and its pursuit) is what makes us happy. When you find something that grips you in the moment, part of the battle is dispelling the creeping feelings of self-sabotage that tell you it will remain so forever. We must divide our effort between prolonging the experience as much as possible, and attempting to appreciate it as it washes over us.
The worst moments of my life occurred when I built something up as a permanent pillar of my world view. When my girlfriend of several years dumped me, I was crushed because I assumed that we would be together forever and she would continue to love me unconditionally. I lost touch with old friends I thought would be lifelong comrades, due to eroding communication and lack of continued shared circumstances. People who once seemed so important in my life disappeared after I moved only a few states away. Nearly every difficult transition in our lives occurs when we take for granted that things will stay the way they are.
Ever wonder why some of the most rich and successful people wreck their minds and bodies on drugs and alcohol? Even the most intense high of performing in front of thousands of people gets old. We all acclimate to our surroundings. These people chase a high so potent that only chemicals can provide it. They wrongly assumed they would always derive the same exhilaration out of doing what they love. Surely, they could count upon the permanence of their one calling, but almost without exception they were wrong. Nothing makes us happy forever.
The best memories in my life are from situations I knew would come to an end quickly, but I pushed myself to get the most out of them regardless. The night I spent under thousands of stars deep in our western wilderness. The new year’s eve party in Eastern Europe with a girl that I had fallen in love with, but knew I would likely never see again. The months in isolation working toward a dream that, once achieved, brought joy but not ultimate fulfillment.
Whether you’re on a weekend getaway with a girl who makes you recall life before “Red Pill” knowledge hardened you to the truths of our reality, taking an amazing vacation that changes your view of the world, planning a reunion with friends from long ago, or starting a new dream job, the only thing that’s true about your feelings and fulfillment is that they are not going to last. The sooner you accept this is the sooner that you can appreciate the fleeting and exquisite nature of human experience. You owe it to yourself to realize that nothing is permanent.
Read More: How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World
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