Starting today, we are selling ROK Ugly Christmas Sweaters that you’ll be able to wear in time for the holidays. The sweaters feature the message Merry (((Christ)))mas to celebrate the birth of Jesus while simultaneously signaling your awareness of the liberal agenda. The sweater also contains an obligatory Kratom joke.
To bring you this sweater at the insanely affordable price of $35 (only $10 more than our t-shirt), we are printing it on a standard red sweatshirt instead of an actual knitted sweater. Have no fear of soaking it with grandma’s eggnog since it’s easily washable. Red pill your whole family by proudly echoing your way through Christmas. Your secular Jewish friends will love your cheeky humor!
We will be taking orders for only five days: from today until Sunday, November 5. If you want one of these sweaters, you must order by November 5. The sweaters will be printed and then shipped to you on Saturday, November 25.
North American customers should get their shirt around December 2 and international customers around December 9, giving you ample opportunity for maximum holiday trollage. Click here to order your ROK Ugly Christmas Sweater today.
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