Observing A Young Alpha Male

Observing A Young Alpha Male

I was watching the above video recently for some reason (I have no idea how I wound up there – ironically the same can be said of many of my one night stands *badum tsh*). It’s a basic science video, the kind that so many internet ‘scientists’ with their 3 year Bsc degree from mid-tier universities sperg themselves over. It’s boring as hell and useless, so of course like many situations where my attention wanes I immediately began checking out the talent in the background. Stripes and green are pretty decent specimens, and black skirt on the end needs a closer examination before I declare hot or not (not to mention some badly needed hair treatment) but the others all have blocky bodies and guts so they’re wrote off immediately.

As the video went on, a few interesting things caught my eye.

1. The boys and girls are completely separated.

Now I have no idea if the teacher set them up like that or if they were all shy and naturally assumed that demarcation. I can see a teacher trying to separate the boys and girls, having experienced some petty frosty bitches like that during my school days, but me and the other two biggest goons in my class never let that stop us from sauntering over to hover behind girls to snap some bras and sniff some hair.

Observing A Young Alpha Male

However, these kids are clearly in grade 9 or 10 – literally making my erection a crime by the way; at least according to the man. So I’m going to assume that they picked their places themselves ‘cause they’re like, shy or still worried about cooties or something.

2. The only boy and girl standing beside each other are wearing the same colours flipped vertically.

This is an interesting composition. It’s unlikely they coordinated or planned that in advance but his black shirt vs. her white shirt and her black skirt vs. his white shorts instantly draw the eye, creating an almost chequerboard like appearance of unity; even the line between their shirts and bottoms match up to an eerily uniform level. Their complimenting style and stance are very cinematic in appearance, and if this were a competently made fictional movie that composition would give us a hint that they’re attracted to one another.

3. Also the two I mentioned above are furiously attracted to each other.

I could float a cinder block on the sexual tension between them. I also noticed that the boy is a hard alpha for his age. Don’t agree? Well I’ve broken down the video play by play to examine the moves of this young, burgeoning alpha male.

And before you sperg lords scroll down and begin furiously accusing me of being a paedophile; this video was made in 2010. These kids look at the very youngest to be 14. They’re either 17 or 18 now.

Observing A Young Alpha Male

Like you wouldn’t either or.

Besides, every red-blooded male takes down consenting High School girls. Stop letting feminized society dictate your boner. But stay the f*** away from kids you sickos. Lolita was fiction, not a suggestion.

Any ways, if you’re cool with observing the sexuality of 14-year-olds then tie up your trench coat and hop on the lurking school bus to see if you agree with my observations below:

(0:04) They start off stiff, both facing the demonstrators. Very quickly in the video the girl shuffles, lightly nudging him, and immediately the boy readjusts his stance, turning slightly toward her and leaning back. Subtle signs of interest have been established by both parties.

(0:19) A deal of time passes where neither of them makes a move toward each other. Eventually the boy, perhaps sensing rejection, or that the girl was merely teasing him, reverts back to a stiff forward facing stance. Immediately the girl fidgets, letting him see her interest by extending her leg once, receiving no reciprocation and then extending it again – once more receiving no reciprocation. The boy refuses to chase her and it is here that he displays his first hint of alpha dominance. A deal of time passes with them leaning away from each other, both clearly disappointed, but the boy stoic in his refusal to buy into her chase game.

(0:40) The teacher, or TA, or whatever that fashion victim woman calls herself (probably just a university student, going by her fatness, mole-mannish movements and inability to dress herself) moves around the barrel to begin the experiment proper. The girl becomes frightened and shrinks back and toward the boy, her movements practically begging for protection. However, for several seconds it is unknown whether he notices her need for protection or is simply refusing her.

(0:54) The boy has noticed and has likely held off to signal that he does not need to react to her every whim; a second display of alpha male dominance, showing the girl that he will react to her needs on his own schedule. He also pulls the girl in further by rewarding the girl’s helpless need for protection by leaning over to her, establishing contact and at that moment she shrinks into him further, clearly accepting his protection. Her hands, which had been clasped in front of her skirt in a protective position, unclench in a sign of trust; one even moves back to clutch at herself in an almost sensual manner.

(1:00) The boy has visibly relaxed, having established a physical contact and dominance with the girl. His arms, still crossed, have loosened and he appears less like that asshole bouncer who threw me out of the club last weekend and more of a king observing great works being ERECT-ed in his domain. His confidence has sky rocketed from the females acceptance of his alpha moves.

Observing A Young Alpha Male

Is fatso checking out her lack of ass or just admiring her sweats?

(1:05) The experiment before them enters a ‘dangerous’ phase. The girl can be seen raising her hands to her ears to block out the bang, and also shifts more into the boy. Unfortunately at this point MuffinGut McSweatPants moves in front of her blocking the girl’s reactions from view for several moments.

(1:19) When Sweatpants finally waddles off to the side we briefly catch the girl’s leg bent coyly toward that of the boy. Her hands are back down, once more moving in front of her skirt in a suggestive manner and she’s fidgeting nervously, constantly shifting into and toward the boy.

(1:27) The girl leaps fully behind the boy, completely giving herself over to him as her protector. Her hands grasp his arm and doubtless if the camera was focused up at the only interesting part of this video we would see her upper body pressing into his, letting the boy feel her burgeoning female form, possibly whispering how totally freaked out she is into the boy’s ear. As far as can be discerned from the angle, the boy is defiant and proudly masculine, fully exposing himself to the danger and showing no worry. He has established dominance over the girl and at this point it’s undoubted that they rutted soon thereafter, possibly after a sock hop when both are inebriated from a shared bottle of liquor stolen from their parent’s liquor cabinet.

After that point their sexual frustration cannot be ignored. Their legs rub, their bodies turn toward each other like frickin’ magnets, they’re both antsy and clearly they want nothing more than to mount and mate like the crazed teenagers they are. The boy has entered alphadom and I have no doubt that in the years since this video was made he tapped a lot of teenaged ass at his school. It’s likely he currently spends his time going through a bevy of tight, attractive young bodies, writing up occasional articles on game websites to share tips with his fellow alphas and trying to help borderline betas make that final step to the promised land of poosy.

You can visibly see how happy he is with her by his side, how much grander life is when you assert your male dominance. Meanwhile the beta chumps off to the right all are crestfallen, probably wishing that the school day was over so they could rush home and play Call of Duty together – each in their own houses of course, since this is the 21st century and only homos want to go over to each others houses and talk face to face with each other hur hur hur.

They undoubtedly rationalize their sexless high school lives by reassuring one another that all the girls in their town are sluts and who would want to have sex with a whore? They know that once they head off to university there will be a treasure trove of beautiful, chaste virgins who totally understand what a big deal reaching level 12 prestige is in their video games and laugh uproariously at all their witty recitations of jokes from Family Guy and Futurama, while these mythical women ask and expect nothing in return. It’s likely that they currently spend their time masturbating to videos of tight, attractive young females, writing up incessant comments on game websites about how much of a lying, creepy loser the author of the article is.

Observing A Young Alpha Male

Ms. Frizz: “You’re right Billy! Those High School girls do look like they’re DTF!”

Read More: Learn To Be An Alpha From Athletes


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