The topic of wimpy betas is a common one in the manosphere. While being wimpy is not part of the definition of being beta, in practice it often seems that way. Why is this? Part of the reason would seem to be that the non wimpy betas get snapped up pretty quickly, leaving mostly just the wimpy ones behind. So while there is a shortage of manly betas, there probably isn’t as big a shortage as would seem. But if you are a woman looking for a manly beta, or a wimpy beta yourself the fact that the manly betas are likely already married isn’t especially helpful. So this brings us back to the question of why. Deansdal offers this insight in his post Now really, WTF is game?
The feminist zeitgeist indoctrinates all kids with the notion that men should be submissive to women under all circumstances, in addition to being nice, peaceful and “romantic” – which is also redefined basically into catering to every whim of your goddess girlfriend. Many are so thoroughly indoctrinated that they will defend these ideas as long as they live.
This pretty neatly sums up the kind of indoctrination which game will help a man overcome. But there is another related but slightly different aspect to the issue. Verie44 wrote about her challenge finding a worthy man in church on Hooking Up Smart:
Much like most of American society, [the church] doesn’t teach men to be men. I mean, sometimes you have to go Old Testament on someone’s ass. I guess I don’t feel like I could trust a lot of these guys to take care of business in the way that I know my dad would. If we were poor, he would break his back digging ditches to keep us fed and scheme until he figured out a way to build his own business rather than throwing up his hands and relying on government assistance to eke out a miserable living. If someone hurt me or my mom, he would kill them (not joking in any way — he honestly would find them and remove them from the planet).
Without advocating vigilante justice, I found something very poetic in her description of her father. What struck me was how un PC this was. She described her father as a potentially dangerous man. But our society has a hysterical fear of male power. Men must be made to be entirely non threatening. This is enforced by law, culture, you name it. In short, we are over civilizing men.
Please understand that this is a matter of degree. To be a complete man, one must have the ability to be threatening. But this must not be something which rules him. He must rule his own emotions and his own power, so that it is only expressed at appropriate times. But the feminists and the PC left are oblivious to any potential benefit from allowing men to remain men. They want to stamp out every last bit of potential for threat. So they indoctrinate him into fearing that part of himself instead of teaching him how to harness it. At the same time, they do everything they can to literally disarm him. These two go hand in hand so closely that we have all met men who were elated that their government had disarmed them. They are actually proud to wear a muzzle, and they put it on willingly. Then they start suggesting I put one on as well.
If you are a woman unable to find a manly white collar man, my bet would be that you live in an area with strict gun control. I’d even bet that where you live there are strict restrictions on carrying a pocket knife. This is both a symptom and a cause of the problem. It is a symptom in that it reflects the local attitudes on men and male power. An area with strict weapons restrictions fears men and is looking for a way to make them as harmless as possible. Men who are less concerned with society are less susceptible to this kind of indoctrination. But a beta is all about following the rules and being part of the team (even when they are the leader), so they are most swayed by this kind of message. Because of this a beta in that area is likely to have adopted a fear of his own power as a man. You might want him to turn this part of him back on, but the brainwashing is often too much to overcome. Men who live in areas like this are repeatedly told that if someone breaks into their house and threatens their family, they should cower in fear and call another man to solve the problem. This is not how a healthy well adjusted man thinks.
The good news is there are still many men out there who are very manly, even in areas with strict gun laws. Blue collar men or those with a blue collar background are more likely to have a dose of male power properly mixed into their personality. After all, a man doesn’t need a gun to be dangerous. There are also pockets of white collar men who embrace this part of themselves, but you will have to search to find them. If you have no luck in your local area, look for a place which still believes in the right of self defense.
If you are a man who suffers from fearing your own power, the first step is to acknowledge it. If your first instinct is to tell me that the real solution is for all men to be powerless, examine that part of yourself. From there, look for ways to express this part of yourself and make it a slightly larger part of your overall mix. I’m not saying to become violent or nuts, but to become a man with a healthy sense of his own capacity to be dangerous. Part of being a man also means controlling that capacity, so don’t overlook that part either.
Wolf photo created by the US Government (see also here). Maltese photo from Arvin5200.
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