It’s becoming somewhat common wisdom that Argentine girls are tough to bang. I had a laborious time in my approximately four months in the country (first trip vs second trip) and feedback on the forum relays much of the same. One guy wrote…
I’m definitely seeing short attention span. I’ve opened sets and had girls all line up to meet me when they hear my American accent then a minute later seem to have no interest in talking to me.
In dance clubs, it’s been just a massacre for me. I can’t get any girls to dance with me and I’ve tried a few different strategies multiple times, but still no success at all. The pulls I’ve seen discussed on the forums seem to be from clubs, so I’d like to improve here.
So it was refreshing to get this email from a guy who seems to have cracked the Argentine girl code…
Roosh, as you know that social circles are very important. I’ve been living here for a few years now so I met my Argentine girlfriend through my contacts. But the question is: How does a foreigner visiting here establish the social circles he needs in a shorter time? What I would recommend to any man is to come here to BA (plan on staying a couple or three months here) and hook up with a large church. No I’m not kidding. There are a lot of holy rollers in this city, and some churches have memberships easily in the high hundreds. There’s an elderly woman that my girlfriend and I help out occasionally. We’ve taken her to her church a few times and always the place was packed with a lot of young poon and easy to meet. I would also like to add that the beauty factor is good. While there are examples of beauty range in 6 and 7, one can also find plenty of 8 and 9s (perfect 10s will always be a a matter of opinion) If you remember the photo I sent to you of my girlfriend a while back then you know she’s smokin, and one can easily find that in the churches here. Now I’m not saying become religious, but here is the angle:Tell a chick you just moved here, hint about wanting to settle down and start a family. Really it seems that women at churches are fuckloads more friendly and open. Why is that? My speculation: because women know that men who attend church are already, shall we say, ‘presenting’. In other words, men by being church going, are already as Esther Vilar puts it, willing to put in the highest bid by bringing the female to city hall for a marriage license. This is due to the fact that the church is a strong advocate of marriage and family, and the male members of the church are already pre-sold on the idea and are willing to march off to the gallows of matrimony.This is why an argi woman who meets a guy at church is willing to pretend to be a human being and give him the time of day. And even go out with him, and be pleasant about it. There may be an issue of premarital sex with some women there; perhaps they do not want to fuck until after you tie the knot. But you counter this by saying to her that you understand and respect this, and that maybe it’s not God’s will that we get married. Your willingness to withdraw your bid (i.e. to maybe not marry her) will almost certainly make her reconsider and change her mind.This may sound seriously fucked up, dishonest and underhanded, as well using a (supposed) sacred environment just get get your dick wet. It may even seem hypocritical. But now that you have read Vilar, is there nothing more hypocritical than a female in a church? When a man becomes unplugged and clearly realizes what is going on between the sexes, not just in Argentina but the world, the expression “All is fair in love and war” really applies.
With advice to meet girls in church, it appears that game has come full circle. The next innovative technique may be to write love letters in calligraphy.
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