Patriarchal packs (part 1)?

Larry Kummer continues his analysis of the war between the sexes at Fabius Maximus in his most recent post Men standing together can end the gender wars.

Radical feminists have captured major institutions, using them to implement their ideology. Men have respond like frightened sheep. This has allowed feminists to implement drastic changes to America with blinding speed, as social changes go. Almost all the institutions in America have joined the new orthodoxy, from the Boy Scouts to conservative Christian organizations. (see here and here). So the men who rebel are outlaws. They craft solutions as individuals, such as Game and MGTOW (men going their own way).

As promised, Larry has moved from analysis to solutions.  One thread he is exploring is men’s natural tendency to form into packs, given the right stimulus:

But there is always a counter-revolution. Now – slowly – automatic systems engage, driving behaviors hard-wired into men. These are the equivalent of a BIOS – the instructions in a pc’s permanent memory. When attacked, men band together into packs. Tight groups with common beliefs and goals, respected leaders, and willingness to act. Not organizations, run with Roberts Rules of Order and committees. Packs, like wolves.

Larry doesn’t harbor any delusions that this will automatically lead to good outcomes:

Pack formation is a hard-wired process, and like all such it is amoral. It produces biker gangs, inner city gangs, and organized crime networks as easily as reform movements. See how the fasces’ glorious history was contaminated by its adoption by Italy’s fascists. The difference between a failed State and a successful one is how this process works.

I think Larry is right that packs will play a powerful role in whatever comes next.  As he observes, exactly what kind of packs form and the nature of their impact is not something we can hope to accurately predict. One troubling aspect of this is that as it stands there is a strong bias toward “outlaw” packs, as men are effectively legally forbidden from creating men only organizations.  To rework a phrase from the gun debate, when male packs are outlawed, only outlaws will form (and join) male packs.

The other unknown is how married beta men will respond to the packs. It would seem that to some degree we should expect beta married men to attempt to respond with their own packs, and the form this takes will depend on the strength of the government. Ironically it takes a strong and ordered government with a high degree of male trust to create the specific kind of disorder we are currently experiencing.  So far beta married men have formed a de facto pack to enforce the matriarchy. Outlaw packs of other men might cause them to double down in this regard, and this is what I would expect under current conditions.  However, if the formal government loses enough of the confidence of married betas it could encourage them to meet the threat on more of their own terms.


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