Poosy Paradise Is Waiting For You

Poosy Paradise Is Waiting For You

The book, that is. Today I’m excited to release my newest book, Poosy Paradise, a memoir that details my time in Romania. (I’m posting this for people who didn’t catch my blog announcement earlier.)

The Cover

Poosy Paradise Is Waiting For You
(click here for big size)

The Official Book Description

My search for poosy paradise led me to a grisly city in Eastern Romania that had a plentiful supply of beautiful girls. It’s a place that no sane man would voluntarily live in had it not contained the best fruit of what the human female species can offer.

After blanketing Romanian television and newspapers as the “famous American sex writer” and a “world Don Juan,” I was determined to leverage the temporary fame with my existing game to experience nonstop fornication with the world’s most beautiful women. The result was not exactly what I expected.

In this book you’ll find:

  • Dozens of first-hand accounts of what it’s like to pursue girls in Romania
  • My latest moves and techniques for getting laid
  • Commentary on how big of a role finding poosy paradise is for the lives of modern Western men

Poosy Paradise is the true story of my two month adventure in Eastern Romania, a place where I believed all my sexual dreams would come true.

The Early Reader Review

“L’Etranger” of our times. That’s what the inescapable conclusion is after reading “Poosy Paradise”, a book that details Roosh’s foray into Romania and his struggles with fame. Roosh takes us on a wild ride through the truths often left-unsaid, sparing neither the lively characters he encounters nor his own playboy persona during his adventures in the deliberately-unnamed Romanian city.

Depending on their experiences in life, I feel that people will be either in awe or disgusted upon reading through the tremendous analytic process that deals with Roosh’s skill at game, his overall strategy in selecting cities and countries, and of course his overall evaluation of the spoils he reaps there. Yet to get either all teary-eyed or angry at this book is to miss the point. The point of the book is honesty – no more, no less. Its utterly sincere core is what makes the book so interesting to read, as well as and so unusual in today’s world.

Dialogues might be the best part of the book simply because of the hilarious consequences that Roosh’s honesty produces. When he stopped to ask a woman who was trying to give him dating advice “How many women have you had sex with?”, I nearly spit out my drink. There are dozens of such entertaining conversations, both with men and women. The writing style always kept me in suspense, even when it was obvious what would happen.

The book is strewn with little bits of insight that the observant reader will find helpful, no matter his level of game. From techniques at maneuvering girls into his apartment to making “sex potions”, they are universally refreshing. I particularly enjoyed the observations about fame and how smartphones affect the nature of texting.

The same honesty that makes Poosy Paradise so intriguing is also what gives the book an ultimately depressing undertone. He describes how men are struggling more and more, enduring increasing disrespect and flaking despite achieving ever higher levels of attractiveness. I was especially struck by the scene in which he reconnects with an old prospect who blatantly ignores her own date. Poor guy.

Roosh’s struggle with long-lasting happiness permeates the book. When things are not going well, he is unhappy over the tiniest details. When things are going well, it’s the same. While it drives him to success, this tormented existence also seems to snuff out joy and pride.

This painful combination is what ultimately makes Poosy Paradise so special – a philosophical book rather than a travel guide, game guide or memoir. Such honesty and insight about the world might be depressing (for me at least), but they are hard to find nowadays.

An excellent read.

The Six Bonuses

If you purchase the ebook edition of Poosy Paradise before Sunday at midnight, you get the following six bonuses:

20 Tips To Help You Get Laid While Traveling (pdf)

It will be hard for you to fail on your trip if you follow the advice in this document. I share all the tips (some old, some new) that will help ensure your visit to any international city is sexually successful. You’ll learn…

  • how long to stay in a city and which days are best for a bang mission
  • whether you should focus on night game or day game
  • easy openers that work in any country
  • a simple routine that speeds up the sex process on girls who aren’t as slutty as American girls
  • an easy move to weed out girls who aren’t serious about getting banged by you

We’re almost at the point of love tourism where if you fail to get laid within a two week period, it’s due to poor effort on your part than a lack of information or knowledge.

My Thoughts On 78 International Cities (pdf)

This 13-page document is a trip down memory lane that spans the past nine years, starting in 2005 with my trip to Venezuela and ending in 2014 with my stay in Russia. I share brief remarks on every city I’ve been to in 26 countries (except Spain and Italy, which were more like sightseeing trips). I hope to leave you with the least amount of doubt possible on whether the cities reviewed are worth it for you to visit or not. If you’re planning any serious travel to South America or Eastern Europe, this guide will help narrow it down for you so you don’t waste time with inferior cities.

A Friendly Guide To Becoming Conversational In The Russian Language (pdf)

I’ve been studying Russian on and off for the past couple years, but intensively for the past 7 months. I’m at the cusp of being conversational (my Russian teacher says I’m at level B1). This is a decent accomplishment considering how hard the language is. In this document, I share the best resources and tips to get you up to speed so that you can meet women using the Russian language. I also include the order at which you should begin to tackle the language so you don’t frustrate yourself and quit prematurely.

5 Things You Should Know About Russia

In this 9-minute private Youtube video, I give you a no-bullshit summary of my recent two-month adventure in Russia. You’ll learn…

  • the primary aesthetic and personality differences between Russian girls and Ukrainian girl (and how that will affect your game)
  • the biggest obstacle to staying in Russia long term
  • how you must prepare yourself for “face control”
  • additional tips on how to make your Russia trip successful

I’ll probably share some of this information on the blog eventually, but you get to take advantage of my analysis before everyone else.

10 City Datasheet Package

Late last year I sold a package of ten datasheets on the following cities:

  • Montreal
  • Toronto
  • Chisinau (Moldova)
  • Lublin (Poland)
  • Warsaw
  • Bucharest (Romania)
  • Cluj (Romania)
  • Iasi (Romania)
  • Kiev
  • Odessa (Ukraine)

Each datasheet contains…

  • summaries on how to run game in each city along with descriptions on the appearance and vibe of the local talent
  • 107 total reviews for day and night venues that give you the best advice for meeting women
  • official web links for most day and night venues so you can check out a spot beforehand by viewing photos and schedules
  • straight talk on if the city will be worth it for you or not
  • 34 total pages (14,736 words) of analysis

Though I published these PDFs last year, the package still contains tons of fresh tips and venue advice.

28% discount off the regular price

You get all of the above—232 total pages of travel stories, advice, data, and strategy for… $5. After Sunday, the bonuses will disappear forever and the price of the book alone will rise to $6.99. These specials are only available this weekend, no exceptions!

Get Poosy Paradise + Bonuses

Click one of the following links to continue:

If you buy Poosy Paradise from Amazon, forward your receipt to [email protected] to get your bonuses. Receipt must be dated before Monday, August 4.

Poosy Paradise is my fourth memoir. You can clearly see my development but also the changing struggles from my first memoir, A Dead Bat In Paraguay. If you’re new to my work, I recommend reading all my memoirs in the order I published them by grabbing the below package for $14.97. The download package contains pdf, mobi, and epub formats for each book, along with the bonuses.

Poosy Paradise Is Waiting For You

Click here to order the Quadruple Memoir Combo

I started writing my first book, Bang, back in 2006. In the past eight years, I’ve written 17 books that contain 1,868 pages and 680,149 words. I’ve also produced both the Bang and Day Bang audiobooks with the help of professional voice actors. In this godzilla combo special, get all 17 books, the two audiobooks in mp3 format (11 hours and 45 minutes total length), and the Poosy Paradise bonuses for only $35. The price will go up after Sunday.

Poosy Paradise Is Waiting For You

Click here to order the My Life’s Work Combo (555 megabyte download)

I’ll be online all weekend so email me if you have a question or a problem with downloading.

Like always, I thank you for your support, and I hope that my work continues to give you value. I will keep documenting my life’s journey for you, both the good and the bad.


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