Punch harder on abortion.

This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’

–Proverbs 30:20

Last month Latest.com ran a story defending abortion with the headline Study: 95 Percent Of Women Feel Relief, Not Sad, After Having Abortions

One of the many arguments against abortion, especially abortions that take place after the first trimester, is that there are lasting, negative psychological effects for the women who have them. Some anti-abortion groups have gone so far as to say that women who regret terminating their pregnancies are actively being “censored.”

However a new study, published in Plos ONE, followed almost 700 women who had abortions as well as a group that were denied abortions for three years. The primary focus of the study was to compare the outcomes of women who had early abortions and those who had them later.

“In crude data, approximately 95% of women completing each follow-up interview reported that having the abortion was the right decision for them…

This is an astounding defense of abortion, and demonstrates an opportunity to punch back much harder.  The argument that abortion is a problem because it makes women sad is foolish.  What we should instead be pointing out is that our embrace of abortion has turned our women into monsters.

95% of women who murder their unborn children (and have them sold for parts) feel good about having done so!  This is what we should be calling out far and wide.  Not only does this call out the profound ugliness of abortion, it will pierce the heretofore shameless.  Women very often appear impervious to shame, but in reality they are terrified of being called out.

Calling this ugliness out will polarize what would otherwise be team woman into two camps:

  1. The larger camp will be the women who wish to distance themselves from something so ugly.
  2. The smaller camp will be the women who try to justify feeling good about killing an unborn child and selling it off for parts*.

Both groups will ultimately make the case against abortion, the first will do so intentionally, and the second will do so unintentionally.

This will also split men into groups, but this grouping will be more dispersed.  However, two groups are worth pointing out:

  1. Pro life white knights will find themselves trying to explain why so many women exercise their “right to choose” against their will.
  2. Pro abortion white knights (along with feminist women in camp 2 above) will feel the need to respond to this argument, setting the record straight that women demand this right and are quite pleased when exercising it.

Both groups will leave themselves open to the observation that they are more concerned with the feelings of the adult who decides to do the killing and selling than the unborn child being killed and sold off for parts.

The resulting dogfight will bewilder most observers, leaving them only remembering the profound ugliness of the image of millions of women delighted with their abortion experience.  Happy customers, unhappy customers, it doesn’t matter;  this is a profoundly ugly business.

*See Amanda Marcotte’s unfavorable comparison of an unborn child to tooth decay for an example of what this will look like.

Edit:  Pukeko has analyzed the study in question and gives his thoughts on the methodology here.



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