ROK’s February sponsor is Quit Porn Get Girls, a resource to help you quit a porn addiction within 30 days while simultaneously helping you improve your game.
Today’s society is filled with men who have lost their way. In the jumble of the internet, information overload from all media outlets, easy access to porn and the changing face of male-female relationships, men have somehow lost their compass.
Two of the main areas where men are adrift are sexuality and relationships with women. If pornography is destroying your relationship, making it difficult for you to relate to women, or affecting your sexual life adversely, [Quit Porn Get Girls is] the right place.
I’ll teach you how you can reclaim your life by:
-quitting porn
-learning how to attract and relate with women
-get laid
-build an attractive lifestyle.
We’d like to thank Quit Porn Get GIrls for their support of one of the most controversial web sites on the internet. If you are interested in becoming an ROK sponsor, visit our sponsorship page. You can also drop a couple bucks in our tip jar.
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