Re-humanizing men

I know this is old news, but the video by Moms for Kavanaugh/ stood out for doing something very uncommon in our culture.

Prachi Gupta at Jezebel was beside herself at the thought of humanizing men in her post Well This Is a Truly Deranged Ad From ‘Moms for Kavanaugh’

These men are good men. Many manly men do manly things, but never rape, only honorable things. If you are a man and came from a mother’s womb, you are not capable of rape. Because mothers. Because God. Because men good.

I’ve seen some criticism of women during the whole debacle for only being able to empathize with men when they considered their own sons, brothers, fathers, etc.  Yet overall men showed even less empathy for good men being falsely accused than women have.

As a society we have nothing but contempt for good, respectable men, and this is most evident in our churches on Father’s Day.  Obviously there was a political goal at stake, but nevertheless it was refreshing to see a group so thoroughly fight the culture (especially Christian culture) and for a brief moment honor respectable men.


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