Barnabas pointed out a sermon by Pastor Jason Meyer titled Fooled by False Leadership. In the sermon Paster Meyer offers an example of “Servant Leadership”, a modern Christian term numerous readers have asked for a definition of. I would say this example pretty much sums it up:
Showing his embarrassment is a way to show that this is not what he is comfortable doing. It is a little bit like when your wife asks you to carry her purse. There is no manly way to carry a purse. If you sling it on your shoulder, you show that you are a little too comfortable with it. But you can’t refuse because you really want to serve your wife and help her out. So you carry the purse in a way that shows your discomfort. You hold it by scrunching the handle and holding it out several inches from your body—just far enough away to show you are not about to sling it over your shoulder.
Real men don’t carry purses, unless their wife tells them to, and in that case they must make sure they show they are embarrassed to do so.
I have shared more of my observations on the sermon here, and others have done so in the same thread.
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