A teenage boy’s supplicating instagram post has gone viral, and is upping the ante for servant leaders everywhere.
TO EVERY BOY THAT FOLLOWS ME AND CALLS HIMSELF A MAN OR SIMPLY A GOOD HUMAN BEING. Petition for all of us to start bringing a couple pads or tampons to school to help our girl friends. If you have a girlfriend or are friends with a girl, u should know that they do not always have tampons or pads on them, or that sometimes their period just hits them without notice and have a bit of a problem finding one. We should support them with this, after all, we don’t have to go trough all they they do because of menstruation, so it’s just logical that we help them…
The chick rags are of course delighted. Huffington Post exclaims: The Awesome Reason Why This Teen Boy Is Carrying Around Tampons At School. Liz Alterman at The Stir explains in Why This Teen Boy Is Asking Male Students to Bring Tampons to School that she hopes to raise sons like this:
As expected, he’s taken a bit of heat from guys in his class but he’s remaining steadfast in his sympathetic stance and we applaud his effort. Imagine a generation of guys who aren’t embarrassed to go out and buy tampons and maxi-pads for their wives or girlfriends? I’d like to raise sons like that!
Except, maybe her sons shouldn’t be like that:
Still, as a mom of boys, I don’t know if I’d want my son to morph into a human tampon dispenser.
Looking at the picture of the kid holding maxi pads with a please love me look on his face, my hope is that this isn’t real and is instead someone from the manosphere trolling the internet. Either way, if you’ve ever struggled to understand beta creepiness this should help you understand the phenomenon.
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