Reader YS shared a video advertising the FamilyLife Weekend To Remember “marriage getaway”. The video starts with reassurance to husbands, who instinctively know what these kinds of events are like:
The look on your face says it all. Your spouse just invited you to the FamilyLife Weekend To Remember marriage getaway. You’re thinking:
What did I do wrong?
Relax, this is a good thing. So put away the fancy china and listen up. You aren’t eating crow tonight!
I’ve never been to one of these events, but Sheila Gregoire is one of the “experts” the video mentions, and she describes what they are like on her own blog:
My husband and I speak at FamilyLife marriage conferences around the country…
One of the interesting things about giving the wife talk is that, as I start to talk about what a woman can do to make marriage great, I see many in the audience looking distinctly uncomfortable and shifting in their seats. So, just like clockwork, about seven minutes in, I stop my talk, and say:
I know you women are uncomfortable with me saying all these things that you should do. But let me reassure you that right now my husband has all of your husbands in another room, and he is blasting them and telling them what they need to do, too, in no uncertain terms. So don’t worry.
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