4 Foods That Are Destroying Your Manhood
There are many reasons for the generational decline in testosterone as we face it today – porn addiction, xenoestrogens, and a sedentary lifestyle are just some of the many. But… read more
What I Learned From Honoré de Balzac’s Novel “La Peau De Chagrin”
I recently read, for the first time, the great novel “La Peau de chagrin” (The Skin of Sorrow or The Wild Ass’s Skin) by Honoré de Balzac. Balzac is considered… read more
4 Children’s Films With Subliminal Adult Messages That Affected How You See The World
Recently, I had a good chat with a comrade about our childhood films. Now, I’m not familiar with what children have for entertainment these days, but I can speak on… read more
Alex Jones Shut Down By YouTube, Facebook, Apple, And Spotify In Shocking Orwellian Crackdown
Via CNBC: YouTube has removed Alex Jones’ page, following bans earlier Monday from Apple and Facebook. The Alex Jones Channel, which counts 2.4 million subscribers, still appeared in YouTube search… read more
Some Women Only Marry Men They Can Cheat On
In the past I wrote about an Italian friend who taught me how to play “real-life Tinder.” One of his specialties, if you want to call it that, are Polish… read more
3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Move Out Of Your Parents’ Home Until You’re 30
Family values are the one thing that remain constant in life. However, in modern times the average person feels as though they should leave home by the time they’re 18…. read more
Women Are Now Using Social Networking Platforms Like Instagram To Declare Themselves “Goddesses”
Women have been the gatekeepers of sex and relationships since the dawn of recorded history, and for that matter, probably all of history in general. Any caveman or Mammoth hunter… read more
What 50 Years Of The Birth Control Pill Have Done To Society
On July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI published his seventh and final encyclical titled Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life), subtitled On the Regulation of Birth. It addressed the question of… read more
3 Must-Read Books For Men In Their Late Twenties
27 is a big year for men. 28, even bigger. For men around or approaching this age, there are three books I recommend: Righteous Indignation by Andrew Breitbart, Death of… read more
7 Ways That Modern Women Use Their Bodies To Profit From Male Thirst
The traditional sexual marketplace transaction is that men trade resources with women for companionship. There always have been ways to circumvent the system. However, modern technology has created a vast… read more
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