Bulgaria Is A Great Destination For Masculine Men
I’m an American digital nomad guy who’s been living in Bulgaria for over a year, I’ve lived abroad for 6 years now in a couple of different countries and see… read more
Why Do Liberals Care More About Other People’s Children Than Their Own?
By far the most bewildering feature of the liberal worldview is their denial that they have any responsibility towards the generations of the future. Liberals have a very low penchant… read more
Iranian Thot Patrol: Instagram Skank Rightfully Gets Jail Time For Subversion
A story going viral throughout social media over the weekend involves ‘oppression’ against women in Iran. A recent case of a dancing attention whore on social media being arrested for… read more
French-Turkish Patriarch Stands Up Against France’s Homosexual Mafia
At the end of June, a Frenchman of Turkish origin, Mourad Ghazli, had had enough of seeing rainbow flags prominently displayed on public buildings and now on Parisian pedestrian crossings…. read more
What I Learned From Being Charged With Felony Domestic Violence
In the United States, domestic violence is taken very seriously. While most of the alleged victims are true victims, the laws surrounding domestic violence (DV) offenses make it easy to… read more
Why Do Leftists Get So Triggered From Hearing Contradictory Viewpoints?
Why does simply disagreeing with leftists sometimes make them scream like they’re being tortured? First we’ll explore a recent mass “triggering”. Trump Derangement Syndrome Hillary Clinton is uncharismatic, petulant, and… read more
3 Examples How Persons Of Color Appropriated Other Cultures
About a year ago, I did an article on the topic of the dread “cultural appropriation”, that longstanding claim that all white culture consists of things “stolen” from noble, benighted… read more
Feminists Shut Down Advertisement Of Man Politely Explaining Things To Women
Via ABC News: An advertisement outside a future university building in Adelaide [pictured above] which attracted big criticism on social media has been replaced just days after making international headlines. The ad… read more
The Link Between Your Testosterone And Sexual Attractiveness To Women
Seventy-six men were brought into a lab in pairs and instructed to compete for the attention of an attractive female confederate. As it turned out, the men’s testosterone levels directly tied… read more
6 Reasons Why Rio De Janeiro Sucks
If you are planning to travel to Brazil, you might want to look for another city to stay. Rio de Janeiro is no longer the paradise that it used to… read more
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