Boomercore Band “Bad Religion” Releases New Song Attempting To Bash The Alt Right
Bad Religion, an American punk rock band formed in the ’80s, just released their new single entitled “The Kids Are Alt-Right”. The song is a failed attempt to satirize the… read more
United States Declared The 10th Most Dangerous Country For Women In The World, Right Behind Nigeria
Via CBS News: The United States has been ranked for the first time among the 10 nations deemed to be the most dangerous for women by experts in the field…. read more
3 Powerful Tips For Optimizing Your Facial Hair
Men must use their God-given facial hair follicles to their advantage. Facial hair is The Lord’s way of giving you the opportunity to enhance yourself. We are bestowed countless opportunities… read more
6 Theories Why Women Have Rape Fantasies
A surprising amount of women have rape fantasies. If you don’t understand that true statement you have a great deal of company. Researchers and scientists have been baffled by this… read more
American Corporations Are Taking Steps On Their Own To Limit Gun Sales
Via Yahoo News: With Gary Ramey’s fledgling gun-making business taking off in retail stores, he decided to start offering one of his handguns for sale on his website. That didn’t… read more
Writer Jack London Accurately Predicted The Rise Of China
Napoleon said something like this about China: Here rests a sleeping giant, let it sleep, for when it awakens, it will stun the world. Jack London wrote a short story,… read more
Jurassic #Woke
“That is one big pile of shit.” I remember giggling like a punch-drunk fool when Jeff Goldblum said that in Jurassic Park. It was the first PG-13 movie my parents… read more
Author Of Little House On The Prairie Declared Racist 50 Years After Her Death
Via CBS News: An iconic author’s name has been stripped from a prestigious literary award because of themes some are describing as racially offensive. Laura Ingalls Wilder is one of… read more
Popular Country Singer Chris Janson’s Teaches You How To Be Captain Save-A-Ho
Chris Janson’s new song suggests that a real man takes care of a drunk girl and assures she gets home. I’m haven’t decided on what is more disgusting: Chris Janson… read more
#MeToo Has Gone Too Far
In an earlier article, I examined the sexual groping hysteria of 2018. This week we examine the repercussions of the allegations and possible reasons behind the media conspiracy to make this… read more
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