Are You Subliminally Revealing A Beta Male Core Through Mate Guarding?
Mate guarding is always a bad idea, no two ways about it. If you feel the need to ‘mate guard’ when you are in public with your girlfriend then resist… read more
Female Russian Politician Tells Women Not To Sleep With Foreign Men During World Cup
Via Breitbart: The comments, made the day before the international soccer tournament is set to begin in Russia, come from Tamara Pletnyova; the Russian politician who oversees that country’s Family, Women, and… read more
Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction
Sci-fi used to be an action-packed, thought-provoking genre of storytelling. Sometimes sci-fi stories can even be prophetic. Here’s a great article about an Isaac Asimov sci-fi/mystery and how our culture… read more
4 Reasons Why Men Should Read Bronze Age Mindset
The minds of Western men have become calcified through the years due to repeat exposure of the same lies, convenient half-truths, and disinformation campaigns. Our media, academia, and politics have… read more
Lynyrd Skynyrd Concert Footage From 1977 Showed That Even California’s Women Were Once Beautiful
Lynyrd Skynyrd gave a concert at Oakland—July 2, 1977—part of their Street Survivors Tour. Three of their songs, including their iconic closing number ‘Free Bird’, are captured on video. They… read more
Shut It Down: Jerusalem Post Attacks This Saturday’s Happy Hour
The folks over at the Jerusalem Post have freaked out that I’m throwing a Stop Violence Against Women Happy Hour this Saturday, declaring me an “antisemitic pickup artist.” Daryush Valizadeh… read more
The Fascinating Origins Of The Cyrillic Alphabet And Orthodox Christianity In Eastern Europe
I’ve always been fascinated by how small events can lead to massive changes—how one decision can lead to a ripple effect that alters the course of history forever. In their… read more
How To Overthrow The New Master Race: Western Women
The Western man has achieved great wealth, intellectual attainment, technological advancement, medical breakthrough, and the highest status in the world at breakneck speed in the modern era. But as all… read more
American Politicians Are Becoming Fearful Of The Mob
Via NY Post: Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia bought body armor. Rep. Gregg Harper hired armed security guards for events back home in Mississippi. And Rep. Dan Dovonan fortified his… read more
5 Reasons Why I Quit My Job As A Personal Fitness Trainer
A few months ago I wrote an article analyzing the pros and cons of being a personal trainer. My life has gotten to a point where I am no longer… read more
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