New Jersey Beach Beat Down Shows Why It’s Foolish To Resist Police
Twenty year old Emily Weinman was recently arrested at Wildwood beach in New Jersey and now she is suing for excessive force used by the officers. In the body cam… read more
UK Students Force University To Strip Title Of Professor For Speaking Truth On Reproduction
In April 2018, Ulster University withdrew the emeritus title from world famous scientist Robert Lynn because of pressure from the Student’s Union. The union beseeched the university to end all association… read more
Let’s End The Obesity Epidemic By Requiring Fat People To Wear Burqas
Today I was wandering through a Marshall’s to kill some time, because I can usually get cheap socks or T shirts. What I like about Marshall’s is that even though… read more
Are You A Soyified Game Denialist?
Regrettably, low-T men and soy boys appear to be on the ascendance in Western culture. This has a great many ramifications for society at large too numerous to get into… read more
8 Ways You Can Greatly Lower Your Chances Of Being Doxxed By The Thought Police
We live in a day and age where left wing extremists and blue-haired cunts feel like they’re doing a public service by making life hell for masculine men who make… read more
7 Reasons Why American Men No Longer Pursue Their Women
Baby boomers like to bash them for not “being man enough” to get married and have kids, but common sense will reveal that the “perks” and “benefits” of marriage in… read more
Globohomo Rainbow Mafia Is Forcing The U.S. National Soccer Teams To Wear Gay Pride Jerseys
In the late 2010’s, the alphabet soup “LGBTQ” agenda in western countries has successfully made the decades long transition from tolerance (stage 1), to acceptance (stage 2), to support /… read more
Miss America Will No Longer Have A Swimsuit Competition
Via Breitbart: The Miss America Organization has announced an end to the swimsuit portion of its competition and the practice of judging contestants specifically on their outward appearance. Gretchen Carlson,… read more
4 Dishonest Rhetorical Tricks Liberals Use To Win Debates
Logical fallacies have been documented since the Greeks and the Romans studied rhetoric. Bad reasoning isn’t specific to any one ideology. Still, leftists must use it quite frequently, since they’ve… read more
The Ultimate Morning Routine For Higher Testosterone Levels
What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Do you act with intention and purpose or do you immediately reach for your phone and scroll through email and… read more
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