Men Who Constantly Hate On American Women Are Sore Losers
As somebody who has gotten a few “flags”—mostly from emigres, tourists, and exchange students—I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t “think locally and fuck globally” in the immortal… read more
24 Articles I Strongly Recommend
Here are some long-form articles I got value from: 1. How the left used terrorist acts in the past with protection from liberal institutions [Link] 2. The history of the… read more
Israeli Social Justice Monster Wins This Year’s Eurovision Contest
After a numbing three-course meal, in tandem with family members and relatives, I felt lethargic enough to lay down on a big couch and watch the current year’s version of… read more
5 Ways Women Make Themselves Masculine
The perversion of sex roles in the Western world has led us down the route of androgyny. Men are behaving more like traditional women and women are behaving more like… read more
3 Awesome Bodyweight Exercises For Men Who Do Martial Arts
Many martial artists, whether currently practising or former practitioners, seek effective exercises that they can do to improve explosiveness, kinetic chain recruitment, mind-muscle connection, or dynamic flexibility and mobility. After… read more
British Army Instructor Faces Court Martial For Making A Female Recruit Cry
An instructor of the British army may be court martialed after he was filmed yelling at a female recruit during a bayonet course and the video was uploaded on the… read more
7 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self If I Could Travel Back In Time
Young and dumb, that’s how people describe their early selves as a reckless man lacking any wisdom or experience. As we get older we start having flashbacks of our young days…. read more
How To Fix The Storylines Of Film And Television
In a world with little real-life drama and much free time, most people are more influenced by TV and Netflix than they are by their friends. Unfortunately, the world they… read more
3 Ways To Forever Stay Out Of The Friend Zone
When I go to the gym, I see men working out with good-looking women on a friends-only basis. I go to bars and run into a group of girls with… read more
Counterpart Suggests That It’s Never Too Late For An Old Man To Transform From Beta To Alpha
In my recent article on the movie “The Bachelors”, one of the comments (@Skeptic) suggested to provide an article for the TV series Counterpart. After watching the first season, I… read more
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