LAST CHANCE! Today Is The Last Day For Discount Prices On Game
After Amazon banned Game, I extended the discounts in my web store. Today is now the last day for those discounts. Starting tomorrow, the ebook will go from $9.99 to… read more
How To Train With A Keg
Who doesn’t enjoy lifting weights? It’s a ripping good time—whether you be training to make yourself stronger and fulfill your potential as a man, or purely to pack on aesthetic… read more
Why Are There So Many Pedophile Priests In The Catholic Church?
As you probably have heard in the news, earlier in August a Pennsylvania grand jury handed down a 1,356-page account of sexual abuse which involved around 1,000 kids and 300… read more
Serena Williams Blames “Sexism” For Losing The 2018 US Open Championship Match
Serena Williams lost to Naomi Osaka at the 2018 US Open Championship match. What made headline news was the meltdown of Serena over a point and game violation for her… read more
Why You Should Never Feed A Dog Pet Food
But dogs need pet food, right? That’s why it’s called pet food! Well, I’m here to tell you that pet food is a lie. In fact, that’s the worst thing you can… read more
Cosmopolitan Magazine Defends Gigantic Woman’s Bikini Photoshoot In Times Square
Anna O’Brien is a figure in the trend known as body positivity or fat acceptance. She’s no stranger to controversy. In the past, she’s managed to turn bad publicity into… read more
4 Famous Celebrities That Are Actually Anti-Christs
I recall watching the film Megiddo: Omega Code 2 as a child. In part, it messed with me mentally. But, as I’ve grown, and in keeping with intellectual company, I… read more
Amazon Has Banned 9 Of My Books Without Explanation (UPDATE)
Starting on Friday, September 7, Amazon has gone on a rampage and banned the paperback and Kindle editions of nine of my books, including my new release Game. The sales… read more
Antarctica Is A Perfect Place To Resettle Society’s Losers And Slackers
During the Age of Exploration, multitudes of settlers began crossing oceans to tame new frontiers. Many were fleeing religious persecution, such as the Puritans who were kicked out of Britain… read more
6 Ways To Become A Better Conversationalist
I like to eavesdrop on folk’s conversation from time to time. I pay attention to their use in terminology, the subject matter, maturity in their tonality, etc. It’s often them bouncing… read more
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