The Great Betrayal Of Rhodesia
To modern generations, Rhodesia is just a name. Few know what it was, even fewer can find it on the map. Those who caught the Cold War might recall bits… read more
When Did Fitness Start To Suck?
The state of fitness absolutely sucks nowadays. We all know this to be the case at even the most casual of glances around. But once you observe that such a… read more
5 Signs You’re A Rigid Ideologue
An ideologue is someone who fabricates simple, soothing ideas to disconnect from the chaos he perceives to be reality. Someone who has ideas, however, uses them to correctly identify and… read more
3 Lies That Most Men Believe About Brazilian Girls
I’m tired of continuously hearing my American friends from real life and the rest of the manosphere community making remarks of Brazil as some kind of paradise in which all… read more
Experts Have The Years Wrong When It Comes To Baby Boomers, Generation X, And Millennials
Not long ago I remember seeing a report that millennials are having less sex than previous generations at the same age. According to the current generational timeline, I fall in… read more
Do You Know How To Win A Street Fight?
DISCLAIMER: The author does not encourage violence of any kind, nor is physical confrontation promoted in this article. That being said, when your ass is on the line and you… read more
How Journalists Became Whores
Journalists are supposed to follow a set of rules and values called deontology. These rules say journalists should strive to be impartial, objective, and to inform their readers. We know… read more
5 Signs Of The Mama’s Boy
Come Mother’s Day you’ll see how much we cherish the ‘mother’ in the United States. Some of us find this glorification annoying and wrong, but does not mean that we… read more
How To Survive During An Urban Apocolypse
When doing survival “research” today you more or less find stuff that fall into two main approaches: Bugging out: basically leaving where you live, either to move to forests/Mother Nature… read more
Game Is About Incremental Improvements Not Miracles
Dating advice for men is no longer in its infancy. Since 2005, when The Game by Neil Strauss came out and a lot of guys got into pickup, it has… read more
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