South African Parliament Votes To Take Land From White People Without Compensation
Members of the South African parliament have overwhelmingly voted to take land from white people—without any compensation. Best of all, they have produced virtually no plan as to how this… read more
Get Paid For Publishing Your Articles On Return Of Kings
In January we ran a promotion where guest contributors would get paid $10 in Litecoin cryptocurrency for every article we accepted. The resulting articles published in January and February were… read more
Libertarianism Is Not The Answer
Recently I listened to a podcast in which Cassie Jaye, the director of The Red Pill, interviewed Stefan Molyneax about identity politics. Stefan’s answers to most questions were “libertarianism is… read more
How To Train A Woman To Be A Good Wife
Even in today’s degenerate culture you can make a marriage work. It takes time, effort, and humility but it can be done. If you don’t want to join the legions… read more
The Death Of The PUA Community
The pickup industry as we know it is DEAD. Wipe your eyes and hear me out, because today you’re going to get an insider’s look at exactly what happened. The community… read more
How Much Protein Do You Really Need To Build Muscle?
You want to build muscle, right? Of course you do, everybody wants to build muscle, whether it be for purposes of actually having functional strength or just having big aesthetic… read more
False Molestation Accusation Locks Up Brazilian Father For 13 Years
Western civilization is powerful, but as most powers, it is a double-edged sword. For the West has (very) often been generous, building and giving free stuff for people of all… read more
Cosmopolitanism Is Destroying The West
Globalists, liberals, progressives, feminists, leftists, no borders, pro-choice, LGBT activists, SJWs, political correctness, multiculturalism—all these terms relate to the same ideology: the cosmopolitanism. We must use and spread the right… read more
How To Properly Measure Your Overall Level Of Fitness
Physical fitness is often discussed with the aim to create an all-encompassing body program, in conjunction with proper diet, in order to build muscles and become stronger and leaner (although… read more
This Year’s Oscars Reveal That The Culture Wars Are About To Explode
Generally, I recommend that men try to unplug from mainstream culture as much as possible, but as a writer for ROK, I feel it is my responsibility to pay attention… read more
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