Zippy’s son Gabriel advised readers of Zippy Catholic that Zippy was killed in a car accident:
Hello all.
Though I have no way to offer any proof at the moment, I am Zippy’s son. My real name, which he gave to me, is Gabriel.
My father, whose real name is Matthew, was indeed killed in an accident on the road two days ago. My family and I are still reeling at the loss.
I am currently in the midst of trying to make funeral arrangements while also caring for my family. While I don’t have the time or energy to give him a proper send off now, I plan on writing something of an obituary for him and posting it to this blog later. For now, all I will say is that no one who knew him could possibly doubt his powerful love for God and his family. To have that man as my father is the greatest blessing God has ever given me.
I would ask you all to pray for the repose of his soul and the peace of his widow, my mother.
Thank you all.
Pax Christi.
Zippy (Matthew) greatly inspired me with his faith and he taught me more than I can express, both through his explanations as well as how he conducted himself. I know that I’m just one of many who will miss him terribly. If you follow the link at the top of the post you will see comments and condolences from some of his readers.
I will be praying for the repose of his soul as his son asked, as well as for God’s comfort to his widow and children. I ask my readers to do the same.
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