ROK Is Looking To Hire Two Writers

ROK Is Looking To Hire Two Writers

We would like to plug in some gaps in our coverage, and so we’re looking for two men:

1. Scandinavia correspondent, with a primary focus on Sweden.

Events in Sweden show that it is rapidly progressing along the cultural collapse model. We would like to report on various events and self-inflicted harm that the Swedes are doing to their nation and culture. The correspondent is also free to write about Norway, Iceland, Finland, and Denmark. This position will mostly offer reporting and commentary on news events, meaning the candidate should ideally be living in Sweden.

2. Masculine theologian.

We’re also looking for a man who can put past religious ideals, writings, and traditions into modern context to help men better understand the modern world and attain virtue within it. This position isn’t to preach the gospel or word of god, but to extract the best religious ideas of the past that can still serve men today. The writer will have free reign to pick his weekly topics to discuss.

Both writers are asked to submit an article each week that is at least 700 words. If you are interested, contact ROK’s editor, Winston Smith, with details of your background and any writing samples. If he believes you are a good match, you’ll be asked to submit two test articles to observe how the readership responds to your work. If those work out, we’ll bring you aboard to the team. You will compensated if hired (Winston will give you details).


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