Rolling back the odometer

The AFP explains how Tunisian women are suffering the injustice of having to trick men into marriage after they tire of riding the carousel:  Social pressures force Tunisia women to fake virginity

…she was forced into it by “the hypocrisy of men and of our society”.

The young woman decided one day that she would be honest with her boyfriend, whom she had not slept with, and told him she was not a virgin.

“But as soon as he knew, he refused to marry and did everything he could to get me into his bed. That’s the way Tunisian men think. A woman who has had sex before marriage is just a slut and can’t be a good mother!”

Commenter Rob offers a different perspective:

My first inclination is to laugh at these Arab men for wanting a virgin. But then I look at my situation. My wife of 26 years was “completely honest” with me about her sexual history. She told me she didn’t know the last name of the first man who got her pregnant. (A pregnancy that ended in abortion.) There were many other unions in which body fluids but not last names were exchanged. And then she told me that no one she had ever dated had to wait longer than I did before “union” occurred. (She had multiples more partners than I did.) This has left me with a sense of being the sucker left holding the bag for the entire duration of our marriage…….. Perhaps these Arab men, whom I have an overall low opinion of, are not so far off base wanting a situation a little more male affirming than mine?


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