Rollo reached out to me late last week to let me know his latest book The Rational Male – Positive Masculinity is now available. I picked up a copy on Kindle on Friday afternoon hoping to have time to finish it over the weekend, but so far have only made it through the first 18%. What I have read so far is very good, including a moving tribute to The Private Man, and chapters on fatherhood from a “red pill” perspective. Rollo has offered a full breakdown of the contents here.
Rollo writes from a secular perspective, but a solid understanding of the sexual marketplace, the importance of a man’s frame, and the devastation feminists have wreaked on the institution of marriage is just as important for Christians as it is for non Christians. For a primer on how a Christian husband can approach the topic of Game, see Headship Game.
If you are interested, you can pick up your own copy in either paperback or kindle format.
Edit: Update from Rollo.
The Rational Male – Positive Masculinity is now the number 1 best seller in Fatherhood, number 2 best seller in Parenting Boys and number 4 best seller in Family Relationships/Fatherhood on Amazon now.
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