On Saturday night at 7pm, Roosh held a press conference in an undisclosed D.C. location. It was a resounding success. Despite Dr. Oz-level blowback from innumerable mainstream outlets, he was able to point out the hypocrisy and lies of ROK’s detractors directly to the faces of several representatives of the mainstream media.
You can see it for yourself below:
The only thing @rooshv has raped is the media. It was a prosecution, not a press conference. https://t.co/1GUPcwod8n pic.twitter.com/wkIbv9UHwt
— Supreme Dark Lord (@voxday) February 7, 2016
. @rooshv‘s destruction of the media will be studied by marketing and public relations experts for decades. https://t.co/xZU8sSW5ji
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) February 7, 2016
The most hated man in the world holds a masterful press conference against the lying media, politicians, & dumb mob. https://t.co/SSskWzHNvm
— Christoph Dollis (@ChristophDollis) February 7, 2016
Just watched Roosh’s press conference. He absolutely destroyed them. Called out every lie by the MSM
— Joshua Graham (@joshgraham704) February 7, 2016
These journalists were totally unprepared. Weird questions, no research, low energy, all-around incompetence. pic.twitter.com/3Ho0r2CCwX
— Roosh (@rooshv) February 7, 2016
Read More: 4 Colossal Lies That Men Have Been Told Since Birth
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