Scared straight.

Reader BillyS linked to My Sex Junk, a video by Social Justice Warrior Bill Nye that is making the rounds.  The video is aimed at teenagers and is intended to make sexual deviancy of all kinds “cool”.  But instead of being cool the video gives off a terribly creepy vibe.  Picture being a teenager and having your parents don short-shorts and perform a hip-gyrating musical number on the joys of pornography, masturbation, gay sex, and straight sex for the kids of the neighborhood, and you have a sense of just how creepy and uncool the video is.  In short, the video makes deviancy gay.

As the Daily Caller explains in Viewers Disturbed By Bill Nye’s Video on Transgenderism:

“My Sex Junk,” published on YouTube Sunday, features actress Rachel Bloom singing a song about transgenders, gay sex, and how sexuality is a fluid concept. The clip comes from an episode of Bill Nye’s show “Bill Nye Saves The World.”

“Sexuality’s a spectrum, everyone is on it. Even you might like it if you sit up on it,” Bloom sings on stage. “Drag king, drag queen just do what feels right.”

“This world of ours is so full of choice. But must I choose between only John or Joyce? Are my options only hard or moist? My vagina has its own voice,”

The Daily Caller noted that the video was not well received on Youtube:

The video hasn’t performed well on YouTube. It has received nearly 4,000 dislikes and only 79 likes. The clip seemed to disturb many YouTube commenters.

The Daily Caller article was published on Monday morning, and since then the youtube numbers have only gotten worse.  Now the video has over 42,500 dislikes and only 661 likes.

The UK’s Independent agrees:  Bill Nye Saves the World jumps the shark with cringeworthy ‘My Sex Junk’ skit

It’s a painful couple of minutes that limps its way to punchlines and sees Nye pretend to ‘drop the bass’.


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