Self inflicted reframe.

BillyS noted in response to Leading *is* serving that Christ only washed his disciples’ feet once:

…Jesus washed their feet once, not throughout His time on the earth!

Cane Caldo advised against changing the subject in this way:

I recommend not quibbling with complementarians or egalitarians over how many times Jesus washed feet. That is a trapdoor into a room with no exit where you are not even Jesus and who knows how many washings is too many for a sinner like you?

Keep the focus on the truth that leading well IS serving. Make them defend the idea that Jesus didn’t serve God and His people while He was leading them.

Cane is right.

Complementarians start with the false assertion that a husband can either lead or serve.  The frame here is that Christian husbands want to lead instead of serve.  This false frame is easily destroyed by pointing out that leadership is service.

Changing the subject to foot washing, and especially complaining about foot washing, is a reframe back to the original complementarian error.  In essence, if you do this you are asserting:

But I want to lead, not serve!

I have yet to meet a Christian husband who feels this way, but the internet is a huge place.  So it is possible that this really is BillyS’s sentiment.  However, I suspect this isn’t really his perspective.  My guess is that BillyS is so used to being bombarded by the complementarian frame that he finds it difficult to leave it behind, and slipped back into it inadvertently.


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