Sex And The City Is Full Of Red Pill Wisdom

Sex And The City Is Full Of Red Pill Wisdom

Let me start by saying I’ve seen every episode of Sex and the City multiple times. I know the characters names, the men (and women) they’ve dated and what they do for work. While this may be odd to hear coming from an avid ROK reader and red-piller, keep in mind that many of us were betas and white knights before our awakening.

I grew up with only my mother and older sister in the house. After two years in the college dorms (the equivalent of attending a feminist reeducation camp) I rented a house with four women and soon thereafter moved in with my girlfriend. Up until recently I have, regrettably, only lived with women.

Throughout high school and most of college I was beta to the core; a typical fatass couch dweller who spent a solid six hours a day in front of the TV. Obviously this was no good and, fortunately, I realized this in my 20s. I’m 31 now and have turned my life around in many ways (ROK has been a tremendous help in this regard) but that’s another article for another time.

Recently I stopped by a friend’s place to have a drink before heading out to dinner. We were having a conversation about work when I noticed his girlfriend was in the living room watching Sex and the City. I peeked over to see which episode it was when something hit me: Sex and the City, the quintessential “You Go Grrl!” television show, is full of red pill truth.

Impossible you say! Surely there must be hundreds of examples from the show that disprove my thesis. Perhaps, but understand that, at its core, Sex and the City is about the relationship between its lead character Carrie and her on-again-off-again love interest since the first episode, a man simply referred to as Big.

The Alpha

Sex And The City Is Full Of Red Pill Wisdom

Big is as alpha as they come: a successful, cocksure, good looking older man brimming with confidence. Big is a man who gets what he wants (granted he would be banging a steady stream of mid 20’s ass instead of a late 30’s hag, but humor me) and never loses his cool, even in the face of Carrie’s clear mental instability.

My favorite Big moment comes when he and Carrie are out at dinner. At some point in evening he lights up a cigar at the table, which visibly annoys Carrie (who responds by pouting silently instead of having an adult conversation). What follows is classic:

Waitress: Excuse me; you can’t smoke that in here.

Big: Really? You’re absolutely, positively sure about that? Because I checked the zoning on this particular table and I’m pretty sure this table is in a cigar-friendly zone.

Waitress: (clearly intimidated and aroused) Uh, I don’t mind, but it’s for the other patrons.

Big: You mean if those five patrons don’t mind, it’s okay with you?

Waitress: Sir, I’m going to have to—

Big: —Just one second. (Walking to a table of two beautiful women) Excuse me; this is my last day on earth. I’m being executed tomorrow morning. That’s my parole officer there. Would you mind terribly if I smoked this, ladies?

Ladies: (giggling) Not at all

Big: Thank you. (Walks over to next table) Excuse me, I’m sorry. Would it be okay if I smoked this? Please, let me preface this by saying: I’d like to buy everybody a round of drinks (they applaud him). (To the waitress) Apparently, the other patrons aren’t bothered at all.

Carrie: (Inner monologue: I didn’t have the guts to tell Big that he was actually kind of bothering me). They won’t tell you the truth. No one is going to say to your face they hate your cigar.

Big: Good.

Carrie: You are very arrogant.

Big: I thought that’s what you liked about me.

At this point a solid piece of ass walks by the table and Big takes a look, probably debating whether or not he should follow her to the bathroom. Carrie storms away and he calmly follows her outside:

Big: What?

Carrie: I hate that cigar.

Big: (Takes a puff, breaks it in half and throws it down, flashes a smirk) And you told me right to my face.

Now that we’ve established the Big character let’s talk about Aidan, Carrie’s steady boyfriend throughout most of season three and four.

The Nice Guy

Sex And The City Is Full Of Red Pill Wisdom

Aidan is the guy that every girl supposedly dreams of meeting. He is constantly complimenting Carrie, buying her gifts and going the extra mile to prove his love (driving across the city to help her injured friend, making homemade furniture for her other friend’s wedding, etc.) He is the quintessential “nice, sweet” guy with a sense of humor that all girls pine for.

Aidan spends the first couple of weeks always being available and eager to get together. Carrie complains that she is feeling smothered so Aidan stops calling or stopping by unannounced. Carrie starts to miss him and asks why she never hears from him anymore, to which he replies he was being less available because that’s what she wanted. Carrie more or less responds by saying “Well this month I feel like seeing you so now you can be around more.”

Aidan decides that Carrie is the one so he takes it slow despite clear signals that she is ready to spread her legs at any time. Date after date he leaves her at the door with nothing but a kiss. Carrie is confused; I mean she’s been dating this guy for weeks! How has he not fucked her six ways ‘til Sunday by now?

But Aidan is a sensitive, sweet man so instead of bending her over the bathroom sink he’s lighting candles and drawing a bubble bath. The next episode sees Carrie spend the entire time complaining about how good Aidan is to her and how there is no drama in the relationship.

Carrie has had enough and decides to ride some alpha cock at a nearby hotel (I’ll give you one guess as to who she’s there with). That’s right, while the long awaited “nice” guy is redoing the floors of her apartment she is gagging on Big dong (in all fairness it should be noted that Big is cheating on his wife, a 26-year-old piece of ass he met in Paris). Carrie spends the next few episodes getting banged out by her married ex and projecting her guilt onto Aidan, who combats these wild mood swings by spouting gems like “You never let me hold you anymore” and “Why do you keep running away?” or there’s my personal favorite *pointing to her heart* “How do I get in there?”

We All Know How This Story Ends

Eventually the affair with Big ends (only after his wife catches Carrie is their condo) and she confesses to Aidan. He gets teary eyed and tells her to go to the wedding by herself. Of course he shows up outside the church an hour later lamenting how sad he is and how much he loved her. She tries to win him back but he refuses and the episode ends with an inner monologue ruing the fact that Aidan is gone but hey, at least her girlfriends still love her.

Fast forward to next season: Carrie begs Aidan to take her back and of course he does, soon after which he tells her that she can’t be friends with Big. She flat out refuses this request and he responds by buying her a new laptop. A few episodes later some drama ensues at a house in the country, culminating in a brawl between Aidan and Big that could more accurately described as a gay mud wrestling match, after which Aidan makes everyone breakfast.

The Verdict

A few episodes later Aidan proposes and Carrie accepts. He moves in and buys the apartment next door so they can tear it down and turn it into one big space where they’ll live happily ever after. Carrie responds by yelling at him about his stuff being in her way, complaining that he doesn’t go out enough and, finally, freaking out about getting married and dumping his ass. Her friends assure her she did the right thing and the series wraps up with her going back to Big.

There you have it: red pill truth, plain as day, at the heart of the girl power manifesto. When given the choice between the “asshole” and the “nice guy” Carrie made the decision they all do. Ask any girl who loves the show if she’d rather be with: Big or Aidan. More often than not she’ll answer the former (and any girl who answers the latter will change her mind after a two or three minute conversation on the subject).

Even when they get to write the script women cannot help but fall for the alpha.

Read More: A Few Subtle Red Pill Moments From An Unlikely Source: The Beach Boys


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