Bill Cosby has been criminally charged with sexually assaulting one of his many accusers. Hooray! Therefore he’s guilty of all the other “rapes,” plus this one. No need for a trial to call him a serial rapist—or that’s what the Twitter witch hunters and others would have us believe. Celebrities have joined the typical SJW crowd in celebrating the arraignment of Cosby after using their Harry Potter divination techniques to verify his guilt.
With the idea of contempt of court all but dead, these leftist do-gooders have flooded the internet with claims that Cosby is a serial rapist. They have promulgated what they feel are immutable laws of dealing with rape accusations, such as “listen and believe” and “women do not gain from lying.” As they do this, Bill Clinton, a hero for many of them, continues to have the many rape and sexual misconduct allegations against him swept under the carpet.
Here comes the witch hunt
Grateful that Bill Cosby's criminal record will be marked forever, like the lives of the women he raped. They deserve justice and peace.
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) December 30, 2015
Cosby had only just taken his first step outside, accompanied by police, when a torrent of “I told you so”‘s began emanating from the Court of Twitter. The Instigator-in-Chief was, unsurprisingly, Lena Dunham, who has admitted to playing around with her sister’s vagina.
One day, as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing with blocks and buckets, my curiosity got the best of me. Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina. She didn’t resist and when I saw what was inside I shrieked.
My mother came running. “Mama, Mama! Grace has something in there!”
My mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina. This was within the spectrum of things I did. She just got on her knees and looked for herself. It quickly became apparent that Grace had stuffed six or seven pebbles in there. My mother removed them patiently while Grace cackled, thrilled that her prank had been a success.
Joining the fray was Judd Apatow, whose activism might be explained by his biggest hits, The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up, being long behind him.
Really, what is the point of a trial anymore? If Lena Dunham and Co. have the crystal ball that can determine guilt (clue: it involves always siding with the female accuser), why don’t we dismantle the courts? Another element that mainstream commentators haven’t raised is how on Earth anyone can now ensure a fair trial for Cosby. Rape memes involving him now permeate the internet and every major media outlet has sprayed their viewers with pieces sympathetic to the accusers, a group that includes often bankrupt ex-supermodel Janice Dickinson, who spent most of the 1980s high on her own drugs but still claims Cosby drugged and raped her.
And then there’s that tricky issue of the standard of proof. Anyone familiar with rape accusations and convictions will be aware that the requirement of “evidence” to convict is artificially lowered for women accusing men of rape or sexual assault. Accused of a bank robbery? DNA evidence and bags of unexplained millions found in your home are the sorts of things usually needed to put you in jail. For rape and sexual assault, pure testimony and being at a particular place at a particular time is enough.
What about Woody Allen?

So Woody’s fine because he tows the Hollywood liberal line and continues to generate millions from his artsy films?
Unlike Cosby and his recent history of attacking the cult of African-American self-victimization, acclaimed director Woody Allen has stuck to the distinctly pro-liberal official line of Hollywood. Remember that Woody, who is certainly entitled to innocence before guilt, stands accused of molesting his adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow when she was a child.
His career as a director has also continued at a very consistent rate, whereas the acting presence of Cosby, for whatever reason, declined substantially from the 1990s. Bill kept largely to conventional comedy, which, despite its status as a segment of the wider entertainment industry, is treated separately from and less royally than film and television. In fact, unless you’re a comedic actor or presenter on TV, as opposed to mostly being a stand-up comic, making people laugh is seen as more like clown material than having genuine A-lister status.
Because Allen is still producing and remains an avowed Democrat, he’s largely immune to any calls for him to be charged or to “resign” from Hollywood, let alone being chased out. This is why Judd Apatow is too spineless to “listen and believe” Dylan Farrow and call for Allen’s head. He can conveniently hide behind “there’s truth in numbers” assertions because the director of Annie Hall has, as far as I am aware, only been accused of sexual misconduct by daughter Dylan, compared to Cosby’s many accusers. So Bill’s in the rapist bin for Apatow now that so many angry women have surfaced and Allen remains out of it. Unless the latter changes his party registration to Republican, joins the birther movement against Obama, or criticizes gun control, of course.
What this shows is that your popularity and value to elite communities insulates you from social witch hunts. We see a similar theme with Roman Polanski, a self-admitted pedophile who is protected due to his avant garde cinematic image and liberal, non-contrarian beliefs. Irrespective of whether his victim did not look like a child, she was rightfully deemed a child legally and cognitively.
Cosby denies any wrongdoing, whereas Polanski was very open about the fact that he plied a 13-year-old girl with drugs and alcohol before penetrating her in the anus. The Polanski case was undoubtedly a case of both statutory rape and rape from an inability to consent through intoxication and being drugged. So why do the hearsay claims against Cosby generate so much outrage?
Are we moving even more towards popular justice instead of objective justice?
The answer has actually been “yes” for years, but recent times have evinced a particularly sinister turn. Almost all the time, the basic logic of a Judd Apatow or Lena Dunham is that once the number of accusers reaches a vague definition of critical mass, whether 3, 5 or 50 women yelling “sexual assault,” the allegations just have to be true.
On that basis, you don’t have to wait for a court decision and can quickly strip people of their reputations, jobs, and income streams via “justified” mob actions. This is, ironically, how the principle of justice works too often in the acclaimed rule of law state of Pakistan, where a slew of blasphemy allegations and convictions have invariably pitted accused minority Christians against the much larger groups of more socially powerful Muslim neighbors accusing them.
To boot, US conceptions of justice have always been undermined by the election of district attorneys. Populist candidates for office can very publicly promise to chase after high-profile potential scalps. The district attorney investigating Cosby even campaigned on dealing with him. There are serious questions about how this accords with fairness and objectivity as it basically enshrines the overt politicization of criminal prosecutions. For all the elitism sometimes associated with judges, at least their secure tenure was designed to protect them from the more volatile opinions and demands of the masses.
Found guilty or not, Cosby’s life is ruined

Guilty because the SJWs said so.
Thankfully, the escalation of personal attacks against him have come at the end of Bill Cosby’s life. Unfortunately, though, these attacks will shave at least five years off his lifespan and rob him of any real financial means to support his aged care needs. He has lost, other than probably meager royalties and passive income from his investments, millions in anticipated earnings. And much, if not all of what remains will be plowed into his legal defense.
With the watered-down requirements for rape convictions vis-à-vis other crimes, Cosby will be found guilty. Not that this matters, as millions of very judgmental people will ensure he endures all the consequences of being guilty, even if a miracle occurs and he’s exonerated by a court. Like a prison, they’ll keep him confined to his house as he seeks to avoid the angry mob always waiting outside, both figuratively and literally.
Read More: Why Don’t SJWs Call Bill Clinton A Rapist?
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