She sensed a disturbance in the mound.

A few weeks back a comment came up for moderation on Romance 101: How to stop frustrating your wife.  The commenter’s handle was “you are all idiots”, and she explained that I’ve gotten it all wrong:

Hi, as a married female I’d like to point out a few things:

  1. Woman don’t hate your flowers because your not attractive enough or domineering enough
  2. You are all pigs.
  3. Real men make efforts to be romantic on a regular basis (not just once or twice a year) and are appreciated for it. They share in the household and child rearing chores equally. They listen. They love.

I’ve restricted the comments section on that specific post so I decided not to let this troll’s comment through there.  However, I thought I’d share it in a separate post.  For those who are on the fence about Game, I propose you try her advice and see how it works.  If it doesn’t work at first, I’m fairly confident she would explain that you must not be trying hard enough;  so be sure to try really, really hard.


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