She’ll cut their balls off.

There is a rumor going around that Trump is considering Iowa freshman Senator Joni Ernst for the VP slot.  People magazine writes: Who is Joni Ernst? 5 Things to Know About the Hog-Castrating Senator Rising in Trump’s V.P. Candidate Ranks

The Daily Mail writes: Pig-castrating Senator Joni Ernst also in the running to be Donald Trump’s veep

For those who aren’t already familiar with her background, conservatives fell in love with Ernst once they found out she had a penchant for castration.  In 2014 The Washington Post explained How Joni Ernst’s ad about ‘castrating hogs’ transformed Iowa’s U.S. Senate race:

She was a relative unknown in a crowded field led by a wealthy businessman. Then she started talking about castrating hogs.

Ernst spent just $9,000 to air her first television ad, but her testimonial — “I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm” — and her promise to apply those pork-cutting skills to “make ’em squeal” in Washington transformed her candidacy.

At a time when voters tune out many political messages, the ad was a vivid reminder of the enduring power of a single image. In the first three days, her 30-second spot was viewed nearly 400,000 times on YouTube and became the talk of cable news, catapulting the state senator from rural Red Oak into the top tier.

Ernst knew conservatives love a ball busting feminist more than anything, and she had everything they were dreaming of.  She was more than a tough talking ball slicer with a butch haircut.  She was the perfect woman:

Ernst, a lieutenant colonel in the Iowa Army National Guard who says she proudly carries a pistol in her purse, followed up last week with her second ad, in which she steps off her Harley-Davidson and, wearing a black leather jacket, fires multiple shots with expert precision at a shooting-range target.

While she had them at castration, this follow up ad sealed the deal as conservatives everywhere swooned.  Finally, a ball buster conservatives could call their very own.


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