Not her marriage vow, but the vow she made to God when she asked Him to help her break her vow to God. Since He helped her break her vow to Him, she is keeping her vow to Him by helping other women break their vows to Him. Christian homeschooling mother of six Jill explains how this works in 7 Things to Expect During a Divorce:
I made a vow to God that if He would get me through this difficult time, I would use my tribulations to minister to others. He took me at my word. He is using my broken marriage, my heartache, and my mistakes to help carry other women going through a divorce.
So have faith married women, not in God, but in divorce:
I’m now thriving financially, emotionally, and spiritually. I completely give all the glory to God. I still have some sad days where I’m feeling blue, but I definitely have more good days than bad.
And so will you.
Before I share with you, I want you to know you are loved, and you will come out a stronger woman than you ever imagined. You might not see the light at the end of the tunnel now, but, sweet one, mark my word, you will survive this storm.
Trust me! You will amaze yourself.
Remember the message of Fireproof:
Hat Tip: RobJ
See also:
- Put your faith in divorce.
- Intermediate guide to selling divorce; overcoming women’s better judgment.
Dominos image licensed as creative commons by aussiegall.
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