She’s the victim

Commenter Feminist Hater posted a link to a recent Daily Mail article:
Half of women delay starting a family because they don’t want to give up their freedom.  What struck me the most were the comments, especially this one by belblac:

I was scared I would not meet Mr Right and have children so I foolishly married someone I did not love and was ultimately unhappy with…the trade off? my two beautiful son’s who I love totally. Would I do the same again? Yes, because I would not have missed my two son’s for the world. I guess sperm donation would or could have been an option but it was not widely available back then…and I do think, despite how I felt about my ex husband, that my son’s benefited from having two parents during their growing up years. I just wish I could have had both my son’s and an ‘happy ever after’ marriage with their Father…that would have been so nice.

Commenter JJ has her own explanation for the problem.  It is the alphas who are focusing on younger, more attractive, and fertile women who prevent aging career gals from becoming mothers:

This is not helped by men like my attractive, thirty-something male work colleague who won’t go out with women over thirty because they want babies. Hé doesn’t want to be ‘tied down’. I get a bit fed up with women being blamed for not having babies at the medically approved time. Men are involved too.

I think what she was trying to say is man up and marry those sluts.

Commenter Big Mama Mia explained that the problem is women are afraid of being gamed by the system like belblac was:

Maybe its the fear of being left holding the baby. So many woman are the sole parent. That alone is enough to remain childless. Not so bad if you have good people in your life and lots of cash.

To this commenter Completely Average replied:

In the UK, women initiate divorce 70% of the time. So 70% of women who are the sole parent made the choice to be the sole parent. ————————– If you’re afraid of being alone there is a simple solution, stop leaving your man.

Commenter Tifa Lockheart took issue with this, explaining that there is no such thing as frivolous divorce.

You could ask yourself why that 70% filed for divorce. Surely that would be a more telling statistic on the break up of marriages? Or are you suggesting that either a man or a woman should stay with a drunken, abusive or adulterous partner? The numbers that file tell us nothing other than they had a reason to file, they don’t say why & therefore they are of no importance. Unless you’re saying that this 70% of women filed for divorce because it was fun in some way?

The system is designed to be gamed the way belblac describes.  I challenge anyone who disagrees to point out what laws are in place to prevent any woman who wants from marrying a man she doesn’t love, using him for status, conception, and early child rearing, and then kicking him out of the home while retaining a large portion of his assets and income?

There is nothing preventing this.  It is the system functioning as designed.  Yet, there is near perfect denial of this, and like belblac above the women who run the scam themselves quite often see themselves as the victim.


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