She’s too traditional to marry her baby daddy.

From the Daily Mail:  Mother reveals she REJECTED ‘thoughtless and lazy’ blackboard proposal 

I said I didn’t like the ring and it was obvious that it was completely mid judged with the timing of the proposal.’

The mother explained that they agreed that he would try again with another ring, but that the surprise element had been ruined for her.

Adding that her partner was an amazing father but put no effort into occasions, she questioned whether she could move past the fact that he wasn’t romantic, admitting that she had stayed awake crying at night over it.

In her defense, while we still pretend otherwise, marriage is no longer a real family model. Legally speaking, marriage is now almost entirely symbolic, an optional facade we place over our real family model, the child support system.  Since legal marriage is a matter of aesthetics, there is a certain logic to only constructing the facade if the aesthetics are right.

Moreover, even if she refuses to marry her baby daddy after he manages to jump through all of her proposal hoops, she knows that traditional conservatives will do her the favor of pretending that she was “abandoned” by her children’s father.


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