I have several ideas for new blog posts, but am having a really busy week so I’m not sure when I will have the time to write some new ones up. In the meantime I thought I would share the original photo I use for the header image. I took this from my kayak on one of the local lakes at sundown about three years ago (click for full size image).
I have always liked the photo, and I think the words on the buoy are words to live by. My wife and I often talk about people we know who have made bad choices and as a result left a trail of wreckage in their wakes (often involving kids). The words on the buoy are a reminder to me to take the time to make good choices as well as enjoy life. Plus there is something powerful about being on big water alone in a kayak, especially after sundown. I still try to get out at least once a week and paddle out to a nice spot to watch the sun go down.
Here are some other shots from the same series:
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