Former England national soccer star Adam Johnson was recently jailed for six years for kissing and digitally penetrating a 15-year-old girl. The erstwhile winger, who also played for British club Sunderland, eventually pled guilty to kissing and grooming the underage girl. He maintained his pleas of not guilty for two other sexual assault charges, including the digital penetration, one of which resulted in a conviction.
I will not at all attempt to defend Adam Johnson’s self-admitted behavior, kissing and grooming the girl, and am inclined to believe he did statutorily sexually assault the girl digitally. What I will defend, however, is the need for Johnson to be jailed or not jailed for a term that accords with fairness and common sense.
If he deserves six years in jail, a menagerie of women convicted of more counts of child sexual abuse when in positions of authority deserve between 10 and 40 years in many cases. Yet so many of these women, usually female teachers, escape proper punishment, receiving a good behavior bond (the British equivalent of probation) or a short jail stint that belies the number of times and the severity with which they have offended against minors.
Here’s what British women get for more repeated, egregious sexual abuse of minors
I shall keep my focus squarely on Britons convicted of sexual crimes against the underaged. Inasmuch as American sentencing standards are probably worse, it is helpful to study the same jurisdiction in which Adam Johnson was convicted and jailed.
Caroline Berriman
The teaching assistant had sex with a male student 80 times, but was given only two years in jail last year, even then only because of an appeal to her original suspended term. Unlike Adam Johnson, she engaged in both oral and penetrative sex with the boy. Johnson’s offending, remember, amounted to kissing and fingering. Unacceptable behavior, yes, yet far less repeated than Berriman’s and lacking a similar abuse of position/authority.
Sandrine Brown
This teacher did get a prison sentence of 18 months, but there were serious aggravating factors that did not exist in Adam Johnson’s case. For a start, the two girls Brown violated were younger, the sexual abuse starting when at least one of them was just 13. The period of offending was also much longer, from 2008 to 2011. And, once more, she was using her position of authority as an educator to manipulate them. If Johnson received six years, Brown deserved a minimum of 12.
Donna Brant
Another teaching assistant, Brant asked her victim, aged 13-17, to send photos of himself masturbating. She also promised a sex act if he said he loved her. Some 2,500 mostly sexual text messages were sent by Brant to the boy, including one with a photo of a sex toy. This was nothing short of an epic child grooming attempt, for which Brant received a paltry 18 month community order, 15 days of rehab, and 180 hours of community service.
By the way, the ladies love Johnson a lot more now that he’s in jail
Providing more evidence for an earlier article I wrote about women desiring violent men or men in jail generally, Adam Johnson is being inundated with fawning communications from females, including letters and erotic selfies. I cannot imagine many men who would prefer this prison attention to being a free man, but the situation should cause us to pause in concern.
Sadly, we are seeing the depravity on both ends. Courts continually stamp women’s pussy passes, condoning behavior that should be condemned unapologetically. At the same time, many females’ intrinsic hybristophilia kicks in, making them salivate from both frontal holes over a man in a prison cell. This is a most confusing age for those men not initiated into red pill thinking, particularly Neomasculinity, and still somewhat puzzling for those of us who are.
Don’t be an idiot like Adam Johnson

Adam Johnson’s girlfriend is very decent-looking, too, compounding the legal and moral stupidity of him engaging in ANY sexually-themed contact with a 15-year-old girl.
Being a man nowadays is tantamount to being a rapist in the eyes of very many feminists, but Adam Johnson went above and beyond in painting a target on his back. Incontrovertibly, he broke the law in the United Kingdom. He should not have done what he did, nor should he have Googled the age of consent, found the answer, and then proceeded in spite of it being illegal. Considering he was a well-known soccer player, he was moronic to think the girl would not brag to her friends, which she indeed later did.
There are serious, overwhelming issues when it comes to the pussy pass given to women in the legal system. That argument stands, yet the take-away from this Adam Johnson saga is that there are some laws you just do not mess with. Some men love to opine that age of consent laws vary from country to country, even state to state, and that, considering the age at which many teens reach something resembling physical maturity, they are arbitrary. Treat such opinions as nothing but dross. They invariably only land people in trouble.
And you should not just be concerned about situations where a man knows the age of the girl. It is perfectly conceivable that you could meet a girl in a club who is a minor and feigning her age to you. In many American states and European countries, this will not be a problem, as the age of consent is generally around 16, a threshold under which hardly any girls will be able to get into licenced or similar premises. You still need to be hyper-vigilant, though. Women have no personal responsibility, remember.
Usually it is just better to avoid the wolf than to look it in the eye. Adam Johnson did not do this and he will pay for it for years, both now and after he gets out of jail.
Read More: 17 Previous Assault Convictions But No Jail Time For This Woman
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