Solipsism as a religious experience.

Solipsism as a religious experience.The UK equivalent of the Girl Scouts recently decided to change their vow, replacing “love my God” with “be true to myself and develop my beliefs”.  As the BBC explains this is not the first change for girls to that portion of the oath.  In 1910 that portion of the oath was “do my duty to God”.  This was changed in 1994 to the “love my God” wording, which has now been replaced with a promise to be true to themselves.

The Telegraph interviewed Gill Slocombe, the woman who heads the Girl Guides.  When asked what being true to themselves really meant, Slocombe explained:

It’s a moral compass

When asked what this means in the absence of external morality, Slocombe rationalized:

There is a sense in which you could say, ‘Well, to be true to myself I’m going to go and rob a post office’, but it has to be read in conjunction with the context of what we’re doing: the rest of the Promise and the Guide laws, which clearly do not say it’s OK to rob a post office.

But when pressed for what the rest of the Promise and Guide laws say, Slocombe replied:

Please don’t ask me what they are, because I can’t recite them to you


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