Something must have scared him off.

Huffington Post warns of a “new dating trend” called mosting in This New Dating Trend Is Even Worse Than Ghosting

It’s essentially a subcategory of ghosting, said Tracy Moore, the journalist who coined the phrase in a January article for MEL Magazine.

“Mosting is ghosting, but where before you ghost, you completely love bomb the person with praise, compliments and faux perfect soulmate-type stuff,” she told HuffPost.

“It’s so over the top,” she added. “The ghosting is much more confusing and painful, because this wasn’t just a ‘meh’ date that you could take or leave. This person really made you feel like you had a rare connection in a sea of duds.”

It is hard to say what Moore is doing wrong given so little information.  Perhaps it is the hot farts that are scaring the men away?


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