The ugly feminist and the chivalrous man are a perfect match.* Nothing terrifies her more than the thought of suffering feelings of love or gratitude. Nothing excites him more than the privilege of proving his superior manhood by doing the bidding of a cruel unfeeling woman. She is certain that all men are evil and naturally want to harm women, yet is equally confident that men will be eager solve all of women’s problems. He awaits his midons’ next demand with great anticipation.
As Roger Boase explained, summarizing Gaston Paris (the man who coined the term courtly love):
…the lover continually fears lest he should, by some misfortune, displease his mistress or cease to be worthy of her; the lover’s position is one of inferiority; even the hardened warrior trembles in his lady’s presence; she, on her part, makes her suitor acutely aware of his insecurity by deliberately acting in a capricious and haughty manner; love is a source of courage and refinement; the lady’s apparent cruelty serves to test her lover’s valour
*This match does not originate in heaven.
Correction: I originally attributed the quote to Gaston Paris, but it is Roger Boase summarzing Paris.
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