In a sign that the “massive discrimination” supposedly “ravaging” women now extends to sidewalk “objectification,” Twitter exploded in unbridled rage when a photo surfaced of a woman walking closer to a road than her male companion. Even weak notions of politically correct “equality” were thrown out the window after an Atlanta woman’s tweet quickly saw the photo go viral.
And, once again, perennially confused non-red pill men across the globe were exposed to an additional indication that they’re damned if they behave “chivalrously” (and called patronizing sexists) and identically damned if they don’t behave chivalrously (and have their romantic desirability and manhood called into question).
What was most remarkable to my eyes was the huge number of young women, especially black women, fuming at the perceived ungentlemanly slight of the man towards the woman. Atlanta has a perpetual socio-economic underclass, and there are much more important aspirations for its African-American component in particular than having men “protect” women from the infinitesimally small chance of being hit by a motor vehicle.
If these are the sorts of social media stories putting Atlanta “on the map,” it will be a very long time until this city’s most pressing problems (and they’re major, major ones) are ever solved.
I'm sure half of you guys don't even know what's wrong with this picture. Smh
— ibi. (@itsibi_a) May 19, 2015
Atlanta still has a massive crime problem, not a sidewalk “etiquette” problem
Unless we take sidewalk etiquette as not shooting people in drive-bys or violently robbing them, Atlanta’s rotten core is not its “unchivalrous” men failing to walk directly adjacent to traffic. Statistics change from year to year, but the general situation is the same: Atlanta’s rate of crime is much higher than the national average, especially for violent crime.
This is despite an acknowledged trend of homicides and other felonies declining in recent decades. The statistics I unearthed, and these are only some of them, are compelling. Though the state of Georgia’s rate of violent crime is fractionally lower than the US average (3.66 incidents per 1,000 inhabitants versus 3.8 across the US), Atlanta’s rate is a comparably massive 13.03 incidents per 1,000. There’s an argument for asserting that many non-fatal shootings or other incidents are never even reported.
A lot has been made about Atlanta now being, by some measures, safer than stereotypically “clean” and “wholesome” urban areas like Salt Lake City. But, like with Chicago, Atlanta’s criminal woes are centered on particular districts. It is both a prosperous and considerably indigent city at the same time.
For majority black suburbs (and the city itself is minority-majority overall), the impact of crime is pernicious and soul-destroying. Comments like the tweet of “Ibi” serve as a microcosm of the underlying virus of denial and false focus afflicting modern urban communities. In a metropolis which features hundreds, maybe thousands of real tragedies every year, fatal or not, this will probably be the most “newsworthy” story to come out of it this year.
This is what feminism has brought us

As you can see by her Twitter profile and tweet topics, “Ibi” is very highbrow and “with it.” Not. Atlanta is let down by airheads such as her.
If feminism were defined as a base level of respect for both men and women, feminism itself would be fine. But this is not how things have worked out. Whilst I don’t exclude the possibility that women can (and non-politically correct ones often do) identify themselves as “feminists” in a way that is sensible and doesn’t appropriate the regularly radical, supremacist form, the default setting for feminism is now a complex mix of keeping historical social norms that serve women and making new ones that also advance women.
The interaction between the two halves of this highly selective past and present is fluid and capable of many interpretations, fundamentally depending on how the woman sees it. The most salient aspect of the feminism I am questioning is located in its inherent flexibility: individual women define what is and isn’t feminism for them and, correspondingly, what is “patriarchy.”
For the SJW type, a man opening a door for her is considered not only threshold sexism, but fully-fledged patriarchal misogyny. And for the self-entitled type, which includes gold-diggers of any degree but also your average self-entitled bitch, a man not shielding her from traffic is a savage indictment of his masculinity and expected ultra-attentiveness to her.
This is still the case when, like in this viral tweet scenario, we are not sure if the male and female companions are romantically linked to begin with.
A sign of the end times… but it can be salvaged
Not many guys know how to hold a conversation anymore.
— ibi. (@itsibi_a) May 19, 2015
The best thing you can do for your own social circles is to gradually inculcate your friends, colleagues, and others with red pill and neomasculine ideology. There are many perils associated with going too hard and too fast with this re-education, including negative repercussions for yourself, but we all have obligations to reclaim and fumigate the degraded societies we find ourselves in.
In some ways, it is arbitrary to be picking on girls like “Ibi,” namely because they are mere cogs in a wider machine of socially-reinforced entitlement and the “me, me, me, me” culture. It must be done, however.
Now, not tomorrow, is the time to reflect on your intended contribution to the red pill cause and to act accordingly. You can start today, implicitly, with your own behavior, especially towards women. You can be decent and affable, but not in the way women use the bastardization of these traits to exploit and milk men.
You can be attentive to the needs and idiosyncrasies of a girl, but only when it is done within the context of her having reaffirmed your specialness to her. And she must be doing that constantly, or she’s simply not worth your time.
Read More: Why White Knights Voluntarily Enslave Themselves To Women
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