If you’re reading this, you are, in all likelihood, a fucking faggot. You’ve probably been reading manosphere blogs for the past several hours, with a break here and there to jack off to fucking cartoon porn. You nutted on your own tits and didn’t even bother to clean it off. In other words, you’re a fucking faggot. Fuck you.
If you spend more time studying fucking game, anti-feminist theory, or other such bullshit than actually putting this shit into practice, then get the fuck off the internet. If you’d rather sit in front of a fucking screen and debate the merits of an “HB3.14 Virgin East Asian Angel” vs. an “HB9 American Man-Jawed Cock-Juggling ThunderCunt,” with your buddies than dive head first into a soft pink pussy, nobody can help you. You probably don’t deserve to live. You need to get the fuck off the internet, stop talking about fucking girls like it’s some fucking trading card game like Yu-Gi-Oh! and do something with your as-of-now worthless life.
Fuck Your Mindset, Faggot
You can sit on the internet and bitch and moan about how There Are No Good Women Left!™, All Girls Are Sluts!™, Women Entered The Workforce And Stole All Our Jobs!™, or other oft-repeated phrases within the ‘sphere, but in the end you’re just a pussy. You bitching on the internet isn’t going to solve anything. If anything, it invalidates everything said here. Do you think that you gain credence by having a bunch of fat-ass keyboard jockeys barely being able to type through all the dried cum on their keyboards about how much they hate women? Of course you hate women—women hate you too. Not because you’re a man. Because you’re a fucking faggot.
You operate under the false pretense that the only opportunities are those that already exist. You’re too fucking scared to create something of your own. Jesus Christ, the earth is literally a fucking rock moving through space—everything you see had to be built by other people. Yet you still sit there on your computer, not doing shit. If you’re unsatisfied with the world as is, make changes. There’s nothing separating you from fucking Bill Gates or Vladimir Putin or any other powerful motherfucker except for ambition, hard work, and maybe some testicular fortitude. Seriously, they’re just people, just like you. The only thing holding you back is yourself.
Hell, the United Motherfucking States of America was founded because the forefathers, whose sacks were so fucking big that they had to wear slings just to hold them up, were pissed off at the Powers That Be. The only difference between you and them is that they decided to fight the fuck back, rather than sit back, stuff their face with another Krispy Kreme, and watch some more BBW bondage porn. Get the fuck up. Now. You already know that you hate feminists, the government, whatever it is that you hate. You know why you hate them. You’ve probably read up plenty on game too. So answer this: why the fuck are you still here?
You Need To Change
Unless you’re jacked as fuck, rich as fuck, and have pussy literally lining up outside your door for miles just for the chance to ride your dick, then you still have work to do. Log off. Lift weights. Read non-fiction books. Start a fucking business. Approach girls. Stop focusing so much on goddamn theory and start doing. Don’t think. Just do. When you’ve reached a plateau that you just can’t seem to get over, then you can come back for more theory.
You’re not going to be on your deathbed wishing you had read more fucking blogs. The purpose of this whole community isn’t to just brew up a shitstorm of impotent anger; it’s to give you the tools you need to reach your potential in all aspects of your life. Chances are, you’ve read enough to know how to get started. So get started. Stop using manosphere blogs as a tool to justify your procrastination. Thinking that you need to just keep reading, that you’re not quite ready to go out into the world yet, is fucking bullshit—that’s YOUR rationalization hamster spinning. Be a fucking explorer. Be a pioneer. You already have what it takes.
From Here On Out
Any obstacle in your path will probably be built by man, therefore it can be torn down by man. Fuck, feminism was created by WOMEN. You all claim to be so superior to them, yet you bitch and moan that THEIR ideology is holding you back. Something created by your INFERIORS is holding you back. Realize how ludicrous that sounds.
If a fucking child challenged you to a fight, would you bitch and moan and let him walk all over you? No—you’d either scold him like the child he, kick his fucking face in, or give him a titty twister or some shit. He’s not holding you back. And what are women, but overgrown children?
Feminism is only as legitimate as you allow it to be. It became such a powerful force because the men in power built it up. If you want to take it down, you have to become a man in power. And you’re not going to do this by sitting on your ass, not doing shit all day long. So get the fuck off the internet and become something great. Don’t complain about how the big, bad feminists are too powerful and that there’s nothing you can do to stop them.
There was also a time when the sun never set on the British empire, but look at them now. All systems can be destroyed. Feminism is no different. Instead of simply trying to starve the beast by being an inactive piece of shit, go out and make something of yourself. It will make your views more legitimate. And the worst case scenario is that you live a damn good life.
Operate outside the system if you have to. Leave the country if you think that’s necessary. They only have as much power over you as you allow them to have. If you have a problem with them, tear them the fuck down. You wouldn’t allow a bully to dip his nutsack in your mouth day-in and day-out; you’d punch him in his fucking mouth. The government, feminists, the New World Order, whoever the fuck you think is in power, they’re no different. So stand the fuck up and stop being such a fucking faggot.
Read More: “Your Son Is A Fucking Faggot”
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