Watch the video below. It is a TED talk about porn and masturbation.
It offers a lot of insight into an area that most guy don’t stop to think about. Something that has become a normal, expected behavior.
Rather than summarizing the video I will offer what I can from my personal thoughts and experiences.
The Instinct
Men are sexual creatures. This is undeniable.
And at some moments there is a primal drive that kicks in. We need sex.
Maybe you’re at the gym and a super fit girl walks by you. Or maybe you’re perusing the internet and see an ad featuring a big titty model. Some hormones are released and then you can’t think about anything but having sex. And hot bitches.
The Release
There are two ways to fix this problem. At least that I know of.
Sex and masturbation.
I think all guys can agree that sex is preferable. If you don’t, then this article will fall on deaf ears.
However, masturbation offers immediate relief. An instant release of all the pent up sexual energy that arises in these situations.
And watching porn to facilitate this urge is only natural in today’s digital age. It offers the stimulation you crave. In all of a matter of minutes. It’s like magic.
But to what end?
The Problem
Watching porn is so fundamentally different from real sex. Watching people get after it does not equal making explosion yourself.
Like most habits, its effects take place over the long term. You fundamentally train yourself to release your sexual energy while staring at a screen.
Our brains are plastic, and the neural pathways that control these interactions can physically change. And so what happens when you see an attractive girl you want to approach? What happens when you’re knee deep in some real sugar walls?
Your brain can get rewired to become aroused based off of looking at pixels. And things like touch, emotion, and the actual feelings of real sex can be dissociated from your arousal state. Symptoms like erectile dysfunction and social anxiety are common according to the research in the above video. Some people subconsciously lose their ability to talk confidently to, or get hard for – a real life girl.
Is that really what you want? Is the momentary satisfaction you get from busting a nut looking at your laptop worth it?
The Solution
The short answer: stop watching porn.
Give it up for a few weeks and feel your testosterone pumping through your veins. Seek out a woman to give you the release you crave.
Fighting against the impulse to jerk it can be tough at times. Remind yourself that the pleasure derived from porn is short lived. That it’s nothing special. That you’re altering your brain – for the worse.
Think of fighting against the desire as masculine energy building up in your body. Building up until you find a suitable girl to release the tension. Something very different than looking at your computer screen.
If you absolutely cannot hold back the urge, I think fapping without porn is a better alternative. But why settle for your hand?
Check out my new #1 Amazon Bestseller, The Book of Alpha. It’s full of direct, actionable advice for the man who wants to better himself.
Read More: 10 Reasons You Can’t Build Muscle
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