Studies Prove Lesbians Batter Their Partners More Than Straight Men

Studies Prove Lesbians Batter Their Partners More Than Straight Men

Amidst the constant vitriol against men due to inflated rape and domestic violence statistics, a deafening silence occurs. Study after study argues that lesbian women are equally or more violent than male partners in heterosexual relationships.

The media and authorities nonetheless avoid the issue entirely. Admitting that lesbians, ergo a sub-set of women, seem to commit domestic violence as much as or more than men grossly undermines feminists’ obsessions with imaginary patriarchal control and concocted notions of male privilege.

Many of these same studies assert that same-sex male relationships include domestic violence as much as heterosexual relationships. But lesbian domestic violence samples provide a better analogy, as the alleged victims are women, like in most reported accusations involving straight relationships.

How to fake an anti-male argument

Studies Prove Lesbians Batter Their Partners More Than Straight Men

If the fists start flying here, don’t expect feminists to take up the cause.

The omission of lesbian domestic violence from the equation is ludicrous. It is akin to the hypothetical situation of stopping anti-drunk driving campaigns in Maine because there are far less people living there than in California, or focusing only on Caucasian-American alcoholism because whites form a majority compared to, say, the Native American population.

If domestic violence is such a scourge, as feminists “articulate,” anything short of addressing the whole picture is a manipulative political ploy and agenda. And the agenda here is to attack men and describe domestic violence as a sport played only by straight males.

These same domestic violence statistics, which involve self-reporting, are used to hound, vilify, and too easily convict men. In the convoluted playground of rape statistics, the threshold for “sexual assault” has commonly been reduced and caricatured to reported cat-calling and sex after consuming alcohol, even if a girl is entirely lucid or the male is intoxicated as well. Unsurprisingly, lesbians get a free pass when studies involving less amorphous, more strictly defined questions about violence are conducted (i.e. as basic as “Has your female partner hit you?”).

Even The Atlantic, all too often a leftist smorgasbord of the most putrid media diarrhea, acknowledged that the same-sex domestic violence situation is an “epidemic”. Other figures collected by American government agencies and bodies cite 3.9 million women being physical assaulted by their female partners. Because the proportion of lesbians or functionally bisexual women in the United States is by most estimates about 20 times smaller than the straight female population, these numbers are staggering.

Lesbians’ reluctance to report

Studies Prove Lesbians Batter Their Partners More Than Straight Men

Feminists pay this concept lip-service only, as all violence towards and between the LGBT community can be conveniently blamed on men and the patriarchy.

One of the hallmarks of feminist Newspeak is to always emphasize the proportion of straight females who never report domestic violence or sexual assault “committed” by men. They then assume, without any evidence, that these “cases” are all proven domestic violence or sexual assault crimes and therefore can be utilized in calling for the watering down of male due process rights.

The problem with this narrative is how it reflects on the reporting of same-sex domestic violence. Studies such as the ones cited in the links above continually reference an underreporting of domestic violence amongst same-sex individuals. So the problem is actually much bigger.

The confirmation bias of feminists allows them to appropriate the most stretched and tenuous methodologies, such as conflating alleged female sexual assault victims with victims as established by court processes (which are themselves being institutionally diluted and relegated to “he said, she said” dramas). But these methodologies are never appropriated where the alleged perpetrators are not straight males, let alone converted into demands in the political and social arenas.

As you might have read in my recent inquiry into women slut-shaming women as much as men, females are stripped of agency when it involves mocking and bullying other women, while men are held to account as autonomous and privileged actors.

The same principle applies to lesbians and domestic violence. Males in straight relationships have choices, but women in straight or same-sex relationships have oppression to explain away their violence.

The feminist fear of loss

Exposing the symmetry in same-sex versus straight domestic violence threatens to strip feminists of their political cash-cow: the fictitious institutionalized oppression of women by men. Ignorance of same-sex partner abuse, especially the lesbian variety, is thus mandatory to keep their agenda well-oiled and moving. Females battered by females highlights the individual choices made when partners abuse in private places, not any entrenched public system encouraging it.

Inasmuch as modern society now ascribes overly special status to gays, lesbians, and particularly transgender people, the domestic violence studies illustrate how feminists have resorted to throwing the LGBT community under the bus in order to preserve their anti-male narrative.

If the heat from that abandonment becomes too much, feminists can simply blame the patriarchy for shaming and stigmatizing lesbians into hitting their partners in the first place. And so the cycle continues.

Read More: This Accidental Experiment Shows The Superiority Of Patriarchy


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