Why is your people so nationalistic while my Swedish countrymen are not? I asked my Eastern European friend this question recently, and he quickly came up with an answer. “We are proud of our country. We’ve been through hard times, and it has brought us together.” He was mainly referring to the Second World War and the following decades under the rule of Communist tyrants. I understood right away what that meant for the Swedes, who haven’t been at war for the last 200 years.
In the Swedish NATO debate, those who are opposed to us joining the organization often claim that it has “served us well” to stay out of military alliances. Their theory is that we’ve stayed out of armed conflicts for so long because we stand alone, not taking sides. They say this as if it’s a given that wars are bad for a country. As if fighting is always something to be avoided. But I wonder if that’s really true.
Refugees are welcome where nationalism isn’t
Normal Swedes (not the most extremist Marxists) rarely say that Sweden is a bad country. Yet they are more careless than almost every other nation in preserving the good things they have, like (relative) freedom and high living standards. It’s frowned upon to say that you care about Sweden and its future, but you should be damned if you don’t care about other people.
Hundreds of thousands of migrants come here to seek asylum, and it’s no wonder because we give them all they want, and when they complain we feel ashamed that we didn’t give them more. There are no migrants crossing the border to my Slavic friend’s home country. They know they’re not getting anything there.
So why would I think that wars, fighting and hardship could be good for a nation? I think so because it brings the people together. It gives them a reason to work together for a common cause, and if they succeed they have a reason to be proud of themselves. Importantly, they know what it’s like to lose what they have, and they’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Swedes haven’t fought for anything in centuries. They don’t know what it’s like to lose everything, and then having to build a new society from scratch. Because they didn’t create their wealth, and were rather handed it from birth, they can’t see the real value of it, the work that it took to amass it. Furthermore, they feel ashamed that they have so much, while others have so little. It’s understandable; how could they take pride in something they didn’t create? And therefore they don’t see why they shouldn’t just give it away.
The Holocaust sent Germany and Israel in different directions
Germany is another interesting case to examine. The Germans have wealth, freedom, and are highly influential in international politics. If that’s not enough to make them proud, their experience of wars and hardships in the 20th century should have done a lot to tighten their bonds to each other. Yet that doesn’t seem to be the case at all. Like Sweden, they take in massive amounts of “refugees,” and nationalist sentiments are kept down.
The reason for that is guilt. The wars and hardships they went through don’t bring them together today, because they feel like they caused them. They’re the bad guys in their own history, so now they have to make up for it by giving away everything they built. Nationalism has become tightly linked with Nazism—a German who’s proud to be German is looked upon with great suspicion.
Now, while on the subject of Nazism, let’s contrast the two cuck countries and future caliphates Sweden and Germany with Israel. Like the Germans, the Jews have a history of war and struggles. But there are differences in both the scale and character of those struggles. Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years. Their collective memory consists of traumatic events like the Babylonian captivity, pogroms and, of course, the Holocaust. Unlike the Germans, they’re the victims in their own historical narrative. But by creating a nation of their own, they can now fight back. Since Israel was founded it has also been in constant conflict with the Arab states surrounding it.
No one can shame an Israeli for being nationalist. As Matt Forney wrote in his article about why Israel is such a success: “Israel was explicitly founded as a homeland for the Jewish people and its government has worked to ensure that it remains one.” Their leadership, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu currently at the top, are unabashedly nationalist. Both men and women proudly fight to keep their country safe, and unlike the Germans and Swedes, they see no reason to share it.
Trying times make both nations and men better
The example of Israel and the Jews shows how hardship can split a people apart and turn them into a diaspora. It also shows how, in the long run, it can bring those people together tightly and force them to put their interests and safety before anyone else’s. Meanwhile, the case of Germany reveals how fighting and surviving difficult times is not enough to make people proud of their own group. There must be a sense of us having been done wrong by them. The history books should read “they hit us and we hit back,” not the other way around.
So what I’m getting to is that Sweden could use a little war. Sure, some of us will die in that war, but that might be necessary if we want to prevent us all from perishing. How long can the Swedish people last if we bit by bit give away our homeland to other peoples? It seems like only a matter of time before our country becomes their country, and we will be the ones who have to assimilate to their culture. Since we likely won’t fight to preserve the society that we so willingly give away today, we’ll go out not with a bang but a whimper.
Lastly, I think fighting and war have a healthy effect on men as well. How can a man take pride in himself if he never fought and won? How can he cherish his own life if he never risked losing it? How will he find the motivation to protect his property and wealth, if he didn’t create it himself? Men who never fought will not last long against men who have.
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